Hey, Stupid! I brought you this stuff!!!

Jan 11, 2006 02:21


1. DO YOU SNORE?: By all my accounts: no.

2. ARE YOU A LOVER OR A FIGHTER?: I'm a lover, all the way

3. WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR?: Hmm... Stagnace. Boy, this answer is getting old... Ha.

4. AS A KID, WERE YOU A LEGO MANIAC?: I don't know, maniac is a pretty strong word...


6. DO YOU CHEW ON YOUR STRAWS?: No... I don't even use the straw, 'cept as a projectile weapon.

7. WERE YOU A CUTE BABY?: I was a baby?!

8. IS THE SINGLE LIFE FOR YOU?: By all my accounts... apparently?

9. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR KEYBOARD?: Kindof... black. With silver inlays.

10. DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER?: Sometimes, yeah

1. HAVE YOU EVER BUNGEE JUMPED?: No, but I watched someone do it on tv once.

12. ANY SECRET TALENTS?: No, pretty much everyone knows about them.

13. WHAT'S YOUR IDEAL VACATION SPOT?: Santa... Marijeño?

14. IS JAY LENO FUNNY?: Well... he's no Conan.

15. Have you eaten sushi?: Yeah, and I had to fight to keep it down. I'll try it again some day.

16. Have you ever seen the movie Donnie Darko?: *sigh* Only once...

17. DO YOU GIVE A DARN ABOUT THE OZONE?: What? I thought we got rid of that back in the 90's...

TOOTSIE POP?: *chuckle* Well... I'm not one to question the judgement of the advertizing companies... I'll say three.

19. CAN YOU SING THE ALPHABET BACKWARDS?: Wait, hold on... In tune?! I wouldn't know where to start. Well, obviously I'd start at Z... well... I... eh, you know what I mean.

20. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON AN AIRPLANE?: No. Airplanes cost money.

23. WHAT'S YOUR STAND ON HUNTING?: I don't have a hunting stand, or any of the other necessary equipment.

24. IS MARRIAGE IN YOUR FUTURE?: So I've been told

25. DO YOU LIKE YOURE HANDWRITING?: Sure. I like my hands, too.

26. WHAT ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO?: Your mother.

27. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAID, "I LOVE YOU"?: After dinner with m'friend, Sky

28. IS ELVIS STILL ALIVE: Never met the man.

29. DO YOU CRY AT WEDDINGS?: Well... maybe...

30. HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS?: Hard boiled!! Damn... now I want hard boiled eggs... Thanks a lot, combination of Myspace and LJ!!

31. ARE BLONDES DUMB?: Your mom's dumb. And possibly blonde.

32. WHERE DOES THE OTHER SOCK END UP?: on my other foot, typically... or maybe I moonlight as Flea in an RHCP cover band...?

33. WHAT TIME IS IT?: My clockithingy says... 2.41.

34. DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME?: Some call me Tonka.

35. IS MCDONALD'S DISGUSTING?: Damn! Now I want disgusting McDonald's!!

36. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WERE IN A CAR?: Wow... this was an unexpected question. Well, the last time I was in a car was when I drove from the 'boro back to my home in summit. Seriously, I am completely baffled that this question was asked. I think that's really unique, possibly even clever.

37. DO YOU PREFER BATHS OR SHOWERS?: Like the majority of my peers, I prefer showers.

38. IS SANTA CLAUS REAL?: Of course. Keep in mind, he died some time ago...

39. DO YOU LIKE TO HAVE YOUR NECK KISSED?: Mmmm... I do. It makes me not move anymore.

40. ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK?: Of the dark? No, not specifically.

41. WHAT ARE YOU ADDICTED TO?: Let's just say... I'm not gay.

42. CRUNCHY OR CREAMY PEANUT BUTTER?: Creamy, duh. It's easier to spread! Oh, p.s.: I DON'T LIKE PEANUT BUTTER.

43. CAN YOU CRACK YOUR NECK?: Oh yeah... that's another addiction. So, pretty girls, and cracking my neck. And beef jerky... 'cept I pretty much kicked that one. Thank God, those bags are like... $6 a pop.

44. HAVE YOU EVER RIDDEN IN AN AMBULANCE?: No, but I saw one in a movie once.

45.HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU BRUSHED YOUR TEETH TODAY?: None. Gimme a break is been like, three hours since the day started.

46. IS DRUG FREE THE WAY TO BE?: That's right. Cause I'm worth the wait. Oh wait, that's abstinance... erm... yes. Drugs = not the way to be.

48. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES?: very deep brown. Finally, an answer I don't have to complicate!! Aww, crap, I blew it...

49. WHENS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Rrg. Somehow, I get really emotional over movies, now. They don't even have to be dramas, they just have to have emotion in them. So, I've been coming really close to crying a lot lately.

50. DO YOU LIKE YOUR LIFE?: It could be better.

51. WHO'S BETTER? MAC or PC? I prefer a MAC.

52. ARE YOU PSYCHIC?: If by psychic you mean... umm... No.

53. HAVE YOU READ "CATCHER IN THE RYE"?: Whater in the Who?

54. DO YOU PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS?: Sure I do. Who doesn't now-a-days?

55. HAVE U EVER STOLEN MONEY?: Methinks I have, but I don't know how much, from who, or when.

56. CAN YOU SNOWBOARD?: I can boogy-board!!

57. DO YOU LIKE CAMPING?: Yeah, I love it!! I haven't done it in a long time, though...

58. DO U SNORT WHEN U LAUGH?: Heh heh. Yup, depending on the severity of the laughter.

59. DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC?: Define magic. I think... maybe.

60. ARE DOGS A MAN'S BEST FRIEND?: No, but they might be his best and most accesible pet.

61. YOU BELIEVE IN DIVORCE?: No! All the statistics are wrong!!!

62. CAN YOU DO THE MOONWALK?: I could, once. Good times.


64. IS IT COLD OUTSIDE TODAY?: It's cold outside everyday! Better put on your booties, woodchuck-chuckers!!

65. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE?: Guacumole that I saved from dinner.

66. DO YOU WEAR NAILPOLISH?: Umm... I don't want to talk about it...

68. WHAT'S THE MOST ANNOYING TV COMMERCIAL?: The one on the tube... you know... they could have a contest for most annoying.

69. DO YOU SHOP AT ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH, HOLLISTER OR AMERICAN EAGLE?: I shop at Gabriel Brothers... if I think I have the money.

70. FAVORITE BAND AT THE MOMENT?: Your mother. On a stick.

Just so everyone knows, Homestarrunner (which has gone a month without a update) was just recently updated; the brothers Chap are not dead... they simple have been lazy.

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