Title: Almost
Character(s): Don/Ian
Rating: PG / K+
Summary: He seems almost reachable
Word Count: 100
Warning(s): None
Note: Written for
numb3rs100 using prompt #005 - Fantasy
Disclaimer: Property of someone, alas, that someone is not I
Morning Promises - - - -
Don’s headache is nothing that won’t be fixed by two aspirin and a glass of water. He wants his mind clear for when Ian returns.
Passing the living room he discovers that promised conversation may happen sooner than expected.
Ian’s sleeping on the couch.
Don advances cautiously, never seeing the sniper so at peace before.
He seems almost reachable, Don thinks as he kneels next to him.
Almost touchable, as the ghost of Don’s fingers trail along his jaw.
His fingers move to Ian’s lips.
Almost kissable.
Mouth dry, Don swallows.
Dark eyes snap open.
“You want something Agent Eppes?”
- - - -
A Promise Made Good Author's Notes: Ever really really wanted to talk to your muse but discover she's been forced on a family outing? That's how I feel right now.