Numb3rs - Drabble - Wake Up Call

Jan 14, 2009 21:54

Title: Wake Up Call
Character(s): Don/Ian
Rating: PG / K+
Summary: “You should've gone to a hospital.”
Word Count: 100
Warning(s): None
Note: Written for numb3rs100 using prompt #073 - Bullet
Disclaimer: Property of someone, alas, that someone is not I

List By Order: Don/Ian Master List
List By Prompt: Numb3rs100 Prompts

Previous: A Promise Made Good

- - - -

Don couldn't believe Ian had driven across L.A., let alone walked up his apartment stairs, with twelve shotgun pellets in his right thigh.

"You," Don says as he pulls out lucky last shot number thirteen, "are an idiot."

"It's superficial." Ian dismisses, causing Don to tenses. The wounds are shallow and now, courtesy of Don, clean, but that’s not the reason he’s on edge.

“You should've gone to a hospital.”

Ian scoffs and Don growls.

“This is a scratch Eppes, while tracking I’ve-”

Don slams his fist down on the bathroom’s vanity, silencing the sniper, before half-marching, half-fleeing the room.

- - - -


Author's Notes: This one is kind of a two or three part drabble, so Don's reaction is, well will, be explained. Eventually. When I write it. Which I will...

... I really need to write more, aiming for one a week this year (although I've missed the first two weeks already *wince* so I don't know how that's going to last). Oh and notice the link to the masterlist. Yes I know it needs I name, and yes, I am trying to think one up, but that could take a while...

ian/don, drabble, numb3rs100, numb3rs, ian edgerton, don eppes

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