
Jun 21, 2010 20:58

CHARACTER NAME: Daisukenojo Bito a.k.a Beat
CHARACTER SERIES: The World Ends with You


Backtagging: Yes please! And feel free to poke me if I forget to tag back
Threadhopping: I don't mind it for the most part, but if it's a very serious thread use your discretion.
Fourthwalling: Doesn't bother me any
Offensive subjects (elaborate):


Hugging this character: He's likely to flail and/or punch, but go ahead and try
Kissing this character: Same as above but ramped up to 11
Flirting with this character: He might not get it, but go ahead
Fighting with this character: Yes please!
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Feel free to beat on him, but anything serious PM or IM me so we can plan it out.
Killing this character: I'm usually up for death plots, but contact me ahead of time
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Go ahead, he's pretty easy to read.

Warnings: Use his full name and die.

permissions, ooc

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