Title: Longing
Prompt: Homesickness
Fandom/Pairing: Criminal minds, Reid & Diana, (the Hotchners)
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Reid is visiting him mother but thinks about home.
Written for
angst_bingo ***
Reid stood by the large window in his mother´s room. The rain slammed on the glass as the wind forced it to clash with the object in its way. The thin body shuddered despite the comforter tucked around it. Lighting brightened up the sky just as its partner in crime roared its reply.
He thought about his foster son, who was still so scared of loud noises, how he would sneak into their bed and spread his small body between him and his father. How he would place his small hand on each of their bodies to feel the security they brought. How it still managed to stump him speechless at the trust the young boy put in him, that the child wanted him to protect him from the loud noises and other harms.
He thought of his lover, who put up with him but deserved so much better. Who managed to silence him with kisses when he voiced his doubts and then showed him each and every time how lucky he felt having him in his life. Who´d managed to sneak his way through the wall of intelligence he´d set safely around himself and hadn´t run the other way at the things he discovered but embraced them and loved them.
His strong, stoic, unselfish lover, who took everything fate threw his way with firm stance but sometimes his mask fell when the door shut behind him. Quiet confessions spoken in the dark, over a half empty bottle of bourbon or sex-sated, sweaty bodies. Each time, Spencer made sure to touch, made sure his lover knew he was there and that he was loved and needed. Each time, Spencer folded his arms around the broken soul and hoped he could give his lover a shelter from the world, even if it was just for five minutes. Each time, Spencer hoped he was just as strong.
Spencer felt cold, knowing they were miles and miles away on the east coast, fast asleep. Jack probably snuggled close to his father because Hotch always let him sleep in the bed when Spencer wasn´t there. “It´s too big,” he claimed and Spencer smiled because he knew he probably took up three quarters of the bed in his restless sleep. He really couldn´t blame his lover, because he did it too, snuggled close to Jack, to feel the warmth from someone he cherished, loved and wanted to keep out of harm´s way, when his lover was absent for one reason or another.
A small smile graced Spencer´s face when he thought the first time it had happened. He´d jumped out of the bed in sheer panic when he´d discovered the small body tangled in his limbs. And how Aaron had laughed, really laughed from his deepest core when he had voiced his worries to his lover. “Spence,” Aaron had said with happiest grin after he´d managed to stop laughing, “it means he loves you and trusts you. I´d be worried if he didn´t do it.” Those words had only frightened him more, having such a small person depend on him.
Now he couldn´t imagine his life without two Hotchner’s. Each gave him so much to live for and he was so endlessly grateful for finding his family.
“Spencer?” his mother spoke from her bed.
“I´m here, mom,” the young man turned around and gave his mother a sweet smile.
“What´s wrong?” she asked and sat up.
“Nothing is wrong,” he reassured her and sat on the bed next to her.
“Spencer,” she said sweetly, “a mother always knows.”
Spencer chuckled at how true that was. He always knew when his son was up to something even if he tried to play innocent. “I know, mom. I just miss Aaron and Jack.”
“Oh, honey. You want me to read to you?”
“Sure, mom,” Spencer replied and got comfortable on top of the covers as his mother pulled out a book. Her voice reminded him of good but harder times. He looked at his mother and silently thanked her for making him the person he was, without her he might never have known what happiness truly was.