Kiryu live report: Kyoukasuigetsu

Jun 06, 2014 00:34

Kyoto Muse
June 1

The venue seemed overcrowded. My number was all the way at the back. When I got to the room, I wasn't able to go inside. But luckily, there were narrow spaces where I can sneak and got to almost the front of the stage!

Mahiro's announcement before the live starts sounded normal.

Right after the first song was over, Mitsuki suddenly shouted, "Wait a moment!!" The sound coming out of his guitar was low. He tried to fix it with the help of the staff.
Hiyori went to Mitsuki's mic. Mahiro said Mitsuki is back XD

After the speaker was fixed, Mahiro asked us what the next song was. We were like ??? and he realized that the intro didn't play because of Mitsuki XD

Then, some hanging thing from Mahiro's outfit came off XD;; Mahiro tried to reattach it. After that was fixed, he was like looking for his mic, lol XD Hiyori handed him the mic. Mahiro said, "Pretend you did not see this~" That fail was so cute, hahaha!

They played my most favorite song of theirs!!! My favorite song is Aa (嗚呼).

They also played Mugen Houyou. I practiced singing that song so the lyrics had already etched in my brain.

There were too many people that it was hard when we went to the right and to the left. But the back/reverse dive was the worst. I'm physically weaker than an average person. It hurt a lot when so many people squashed me..

Mahiro was considerate and asked people to shout out if they feel unwell a few times throughout the live.

Encore MC:

Junji was first!!!!! Yay!!!!!

His nose was a bit runny. It was because his colored contact lens shifted a bit in his eyes.

He brought out his Kiryu tote bag. He asked us to guess what's inside the bag. It turned out to be the Kiryu drawstring backpack. He persuaded us to buy the tote bag so we can swing it around XD He showed us some of his stuff inside his backpack. One of them includes sunscreen.

When he put the things back in the bag, he said that the stuff he said before will be on the test, lol.

He decided to call out the next person. He had us guess which one. He took out a fan. The next person was Mahiro. Junji asked us to call out, "Mahiro-han!"

We shouted, "Mahiro-han~" Mahiro came out. Then, some people shouted his name in death voice. Mahiro was like, "Wait a minute."
When he heard, " Mahiro-han," it felt nice to him. But when he heard the death voice, it didn't feel nice anymore. He asked us to do it again, lol!

Junji said that when he suggested "Mahiro-han," he felt good inside XD

Mahiro started to stick his jaw out while talking. He kept doing that a few times.

Mahiro asked us to guess who is next. People shouted Hiyori. But it wasn't him. Mahiro asked again. Some people started to shout, "Hi..." And it covered up by "Takemasa." The next one was him. Mahiro and Junji decided to have us call him out by shouting, "Takema-han," lol.

Takemasa took out Mitsuki's mic from the stand. It took a while because the wire was wrapped around the stand.

He talked about Blitz's contract with GOD CHILD RECORDS expiring. He also wrote about it in his blog.

Mahiro sticked his jaw out again. Takemasa did the same, except that we couldn't see his face XD He wondered if we know that he was doing it. Mahiro thought about him removing his mask. What does his face look like?

Takemasa asked us if we think the person behind the mask is good looking. No one raised his/her hand, lol!! Then, he asked us if the person behind the mask has his jaw sticking out. Everyone raises his/her hand, hahaha!!

Junji said that the person behind the mask has a long face.

Time for the next person.

Mitsuki came out. He wrapped the wire of the mic back around the stand. He said he doesn't like it when the wire is all out. Takemasa apologized to him.

Mitsuki also talked about Blitz.

He said that no one wants to be the last person because that person has to end the MC with the memorial photo shoot.

He heard about what happened when the third person was coming out. People started to say his name even though he wasn't his turn. He even had us close our eyes and have the people that shouted his name raise their hands, lol. He kinda complained about it for most of his time.

After Sakuyoi:

Hiyori stood in the front and played his bass. He played a few keys and we shouted his name after he stopped. But then, the sound got a bit weirder. He went to fix it.

Mahiro asked Junji to entertain us, yay XD

Junji said that he had a problem, too. There was something wrong with the laptop at one point and the sound didn't come out.

He decided to show off his acrobatic skills. He showed us an awesome flip across the stage. Then, he tried to show us a pose from the floor but the people at the back wasn't able to see. He got an idea of using Takemasa as the table XD When he got on him, he had a hard time balancing so he stopping using the table. The fans at the front were so nice lower their heads for the people at the back to see. Junji did the pose again, which turned out to be a pose standing with his arms and his legs up in the air. He didn't get much responds as some people still wasn't able to see it. So he did a flip again.

Hiyori finally fixed the system. He told us to continue from where we left off. He hummed the tune at the end of Sakuyoi. He played a few keys on his bass. Then, the band played the next song.
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