Summary: Thes is tempted by the dark side..
Another morning, another day, more time to spend with his companion... or as some might think or say, lover...
Horai slowly shifts around on his side of the bed, rolling over to face his companion, slowly opening his eyes, still looking very sleepily and tired. He manages to smile softly as his gaze falls on his companion laying but a few feet from him.
Inside, it's dark, and very little sunlight is getting through the curtained windows, but there happens to be a soft beam of light shining down right on top of Thesia, which just puts him into an awe state for a lingering moment as he just quietly watches her sleeping still.
.o0(Thesia... I wish I could tell you how I truly feel about you. I wish I could tell it to you a million times, infinite times... *Mental sigh* ...She's so beautiful and peaceful.) 0o. He's wishing right about now, that nothing would ever disturb her in her peaceful slumbering state, in fact, he wishes he even could just protect her from her own nightmares if need be, but that's obviously out of his control, which sort of saddens him, wondering what she could possibly be dreaming about at this time.
Thesia is sleeping, yes, though her dreams are hardly peaceful..Instead she seems to be tossing and turning as if she were having some sort of disturbing nightmare..Even now that Rook is free of the heartless, it seems that something is still disturbing her, or perhaps she still hasn't got over the horrors of what she experienced there. All the same, she wakes up with a start, in a cold sweat even and nearly lashes out at Horai at first, nearly ready to strangle him as her eyes open though as she comes to her senses, she blinks a bit, pulling her hand away. "Huh? Horai?!"
Horai blinks as she practically leaps out of her own bed to attack him in his! What's this all about? She was peaceful for a moment and then, assuming she had a nightmare, now she's acting all fruity again. Horai frowns a little sitting up in his bed now and looking up to Thesia quizzically, "What's the matter?" He shows signs of concern as he watches his companion quizzically, albeit still a little sleepy eyed.
Thesia blinks, turning away quickly as she steps out of her bed and moves towards the sink, splashing cold water over her face, "Nothing..It was just a stupid nightmare..." she sighs, wiping her face with a towel, "I'm sorry...I didnt hurt you did I?" she laughs, shaking her head, "Really it's stupid, it's over now right?" or is it?
Turning to face her somewhat, Horai gives his companion a quizzical look for a moment or two as he watches her move to the sink and splash cold water on her face... does that really help a snow nymph? You'd think she'd be splashing hot water, that would definately have more of an effect it would seem. But anyways, he slowly pushes out of his bed and stands to his feet, moving over to her at the sink he slides his hands and arms about her waist from behind as he moves closer, his body pressing against her own now as he rests his chin on her shoulder and says softly,"It isn't stupid if you're this worked up about it. Tell me what you were dreaming about.. please.."
Thesia blinks, and sighs, letting go of the towel, seeming to relax noticeably as she's hugged. "Rai....I dunno, back then, when you were Rook and I was given those powers as your...." she frowns, unable to say 'slave'..To even think of such a thing, and to Rook no less! Instead she shakes her head, clenching her teeth as she clutches his arms, "Rai, I dont know, a part of me *wanted* that power, the power of the heartless..Being able to go wherever I pleased, feeling strong with those powers. A part of me desired it and wanted more..But then if I continued to pursue it, would that not make me just like the heartless? A monster?" and would she care?
Horai slowly withdraws from her, giving her a quizzical look now. He pulls his arms back, letting them hang to his sides as he takes a few steps, or rather, several steps away from her, putting a good deal of distance between them now, almost seeming like he's about to hit the door but he comes to a stop just five feet from her across the room, staring at her intently in silence for the longest moment. Perhaps in disbelief that she'd even consider such a thing? Who knows. But right now, he's looking as every bit as cold as the heartless Horai she had come to know before.
"You spent all this time trying to save me from what I had become, and you can honestly stand there and tell me that you're actually considering becoming a monster like I was? .... " His gaze drops to the ground, growing awkwardly quiet again for a moment, but before she can respond to him, he snaps his head up, peering at her, perhaps he might seem a bit angered by her words of hunger for power, notions of becoming a heartless, or perhaps even just mentioning them would be enough to flip him out at this point.
"Please tell me you're kidding, Thesia.... "
Thesia blinks, turning around to face him now, seeming..Ashamed of herself, to even think of such a thing..But at least she has some kind of conscience it seems. "What? What are you saying?" she shakes her head, "No..I dont want that, I dont want to become a monster!" sighing, she takes a step towards him again, reaching out to take his hands if he'll let her, "Horai? I want more than anything else in the world to protect you, but I dont know...If I'm strong enough..Now that you've escaped, they'll come back again. Will I be strong enough to protect you anymore than I was before?" she bites her lip, hanging her head again, "I....Dont want to lose you...Again.."
He doesn't withdraw right away when she tries to take his hands into her own, but he does slowly pull away from her again, staring at her judgingly and convictingly more so out of love and concern for her than anything.
"Well you know very well that if you were to become ... " He doesn't seem like he even wants to say it, but after a short pause, he continues his words,"... a heartless, you won't be able to. In fact, who says you'll even feel the same way afterwards? You spent ... almost a year with the heartless, with .. with.. me as ..a heartless. ... I was unwilling Thesia... I was unwilling to become a heartless, but Juno.. she... changed me anyhow, she forced it upon me, and look at what I became... look at what happened to us, to me. What do you think will happen if you were to willingly accept it? You wouldn't be the same, I don't care what good you think might come from it, because in all honesty.. No good can ever come from being a heartless."
He sighs and turns his back to her shamefully, lowering his head again and crossing his arms so that he's somewhat embracing himself as he sifts through memories of when he were a heartless, the one called Rook. The relentless dark knight, it still sends shivers down his spine. Even now, that he's back to normal, or what you could consider 'normal' he's still consumed by the very thought of all the vile, and evil acts he commited, that guilt and his conscienceness coming into play more now than ever. Suddenly, he just drops to the ground on his knees and hands, tears running down his cheeks, breathing a little heavily. "The moment you let your guard down Thesia, the moment you show signs of weakness, signs of giving in to them, they will take full advantage of it, of you... You have to be strong, you can't give in to the temptation of their .. so called, power... it's purely evil and nothing more. There were times when even I felt like giving up on the inside... I felt myself losing control each and every day until you came. Without you, I would have been lost forever. Infact, I thought you weren't even alive anymore, so I nearly gave in to it completely. You've seen what I was like, you seen what I had become, and that was all forced onto me. Can you understand that, Thesia? After all this time, did you not see what it was doing to me? What I was becoming? I ... I nearly killed you...Before Kuro stepped in, I didn't have control over myself anymore... I had lost to the darkness, and if it weren't for you two, I would have been consumed if you had died... if your blood was on my hands, it surely would have driven me to the dark side."
Thesia gasps as Rai falls to the ground, wincing at the sight of his tears as if she could feel his pain, though even then she couldnt even begin to fathom what he was going through, "Horai!!" she gasps, hurrying to the paladin's side, not really caring if she's pushed away as she wraps her arms protectively around him, holding him close to her as she kneels on the ground next to him, "Horai...I'm so sorry..I dont even know why such a crazy thought came over me..It must have been so terrible for you, like that. What I experienced was nothing compared to it.." she sighs, shaking her head..What Aial had told her was pretty convincing, pretty cunning but...Would it be really possible to use such a dark power without being consumed by it? And naturally she's bound to believe Horai, the most purest hearted person she has ever known over a sly, cunning 'joker' like Aialsted. "Horai...I'm so sorry..please forgive me..I was stupid to think such things..I wouldnt even stand a chance would I?"
Horai shakes his head, sitting up on his knees know, he wraps his arms around her, embracing her tightly, laying his head on her shoulder and closing his eyes. "Why would you even think about something like that for? What possessed you to even consider something so incomprehensable like that?" He frowns a little, still clinging to her as tightly as he possibly can, now probably feeling a little of what she felt by not wanting to lose his companion to the heartless... not completely anyhow, then as Rook had said a million times, she would be gone forever, and unredeemable, even with their love.
Thesia sighs, shaking her head as she strokes Rai's hair, "Ugh...I dont know, I guess...All the people I was unable to protect in the past made me think..If I were strong enough somehow, if I were stronger than all this, then maybe I could have prevented their deaths, but.." but there was more of it, though Aial had asked her to keep his research a secret. Still, she couldnt possibly keep anything a secret from her Horai no matter what, even if it meant betraying another, "Horai..." she tilts her head, pulling her hands back a bit to gaze gently into his eyes then, "I...I ran into an..Assosiate of mine recently, he said..He was studying the heartless, that he knew a way to use their power without becoming consumed and controlled by their evil and hatred.." frowning softly, she looks away again though still holds him in her arms, "I..Think you've met him before, back at Vector.." heck, she even called him out by name. looking back at him again, she laughs a bit, "It's stupid really, there's no way he could have become so strong without being consumed, I know him better than that. He sees life as a game, he cares for no one and nothing, and if you, with your pure heart could not resist the darkness, what hope has he of doing so?"
Horai slowly withdraws from her now after she mentions an 'associate' that has been supposedly dealing with this power.. becoming stronger? He actually has to contemplate it for a moment, giving his companion a rather grave look in the process.
"An associate you say. That I've met?" He's trying to rummage through the memories as Rook, giving Thesia a quizzical look now,"Which associate? What's their name?" He reaches out and grasps Thesia by her shoulders, probably shaking her a little as he takes on this abit more aggressive side as he tries to pry the information from her,"Who are you talking about Thesia?!"
Thesia blinks as she's shaken, eyes widenning in surprise, "Ugh, Horai?? Stop it! What are you doing!?" she frowns a little as she tries to push you away turning away as well as she stares out the window, "Dont...Act like this, Horai, it's not you..Dont be like 'him' anymore.." she clenches her hands on the window sill, feeling confused..Why's Horai acting like this all of a sudden? "Ugh, I told you you've met him before, his name is Aialsted.." though, even as she says it, she nearly regrets it, realizing perhaps what Rai's gonna do, "Are you going to go after him too?" and apparently it seems there are other people after him as well..
Horai lowers his head a bit as she pulls away from him, still sitting there on the floor, on his knees. He continues to search his memories as she tells him the name of the associate, trying to put the face with the name now. His eyes slowly widening just abit, he glances up to Thesia again intently.
"I'm sorry, I hate to do this to you, Thesia.... but you can't see him anymore, and you especially can't be involved with him. You have to trust me on this. It's for the best." He frowns a little, staring down at the wooden floor for a moment before pushing himself up to his feet, standing upright as he then looks back to Thesia as she moves over to the window and starts to gaze out of it.
"I'm serious, Thesia. You must promise me that you won't associate yourself with him any longer. You of all people should know better about the heartless, about the dark power they use. It's a very, very dangerous power that shouldn't be handled by anyone, and I can almost garauntee that if you're so called associate is fooling around with it, then he has probably already been consumed by it, there is no doubt in my mind about that."
Thesia frowns, still looking clearly upset about Horai's behavior. "What? Who are you to tell me who I can and cannot see? For all we know, he might have nothing to do with the heartless at all! Besides, it's not like I dont know him or anything, he's a SOLDIER like me, we've been working together for years..." she glances sidelong at him, still frowning a bit, "There's no way he could be capable of such things, even if he's a bit of a jerk sometimes. I could never imagine he could go so far...Which is why I need to discover the truth for myself!"
Moving away from the window again, she sighs, leaning against the wall, trying to think, "If he is truly working for the heartless, then I have to deal with him..Dont you understand? I'm his boss, which makes him my responsibility.."
"No." Horai says stiffly, almost immediately after her last comment. He shakes his head refusingly,"No, Thesia. I can't let you do that." He frowns a bit, glancing down at his hands again for a moment, and then says,"Why don't you just put the pieces together, Thesia... One, if he says he's been researching heartless power, you should know damn well that that's impossible to do. And second, anyone in their right mind wouldn't involve themselves with the heartless unless... well... I suppose you already know the answer to that one.... The third thing is, that you've seen how it changed me, and I was unwilling Thesia, there is just.. no way that he could mess around with such power and not be affected by it! LAST, but not the the very least important evidence... is that he's trying to get you to use the power as well! He's manipulating you! Are you that blind to the obvious?! I don't want you around anyone like that. You want to help your friend, your comrade, then so be it, we will try to help them, but this isn't me you're dealing with, even I tried to kill you and make you a heartless, not to mention the countless times I tried to suggest that you weren't strong enough and that you needed the heartless to become stronger. I was trying to manipulate you Thesia... I don't want you risking your life again. I'm sorry, but ... no.. I'm not letting you leave here until you promise to me that you won't involve yourself with him anymore."
After his words, and a moment of staring at his companion, the young knight takes a few steps to stand infront of the door, preferably between her and the way out. "I won't let you be taken away from me like I was you. I refuse to let anything like that happen to you. You can fight me to get out if you like, but I surely hope you'd be more reasonable than resorting to violence. I don't want to harm you anymore than I already have."
"Huh...What??" she blinks slowly, stepping towards the door slowly but pausing a few feet from reaching Horai..She doesnt even look at him for a long time as she listens, pondering, and clenches her fist to her chest, clutching the beautiful heartshaped pendant that you had given her as a gift. If Aialsted was right about this power...Then maybe she really could be strong enough to protect Horai, but his words seem to make so much sense. How could she not trust him over an old SOLDIER comrade even?
"Ah, Horai.." she sighs, glancing back at him, taking a step nearer, though her focus is upon him and not the door. "I know..I know you're right. I dont even know why I wanted to believe he wasnt involved in the heartless...I guess...I just didnt want to lose a friend.." she hangs her head, staring at her clenched fists again..How could she have been so stupid?? Is this what power could do to a person?? But still.."Horai..I promise I wont see him again on my own, but I need to know what's really going on with him and if there's a way to save him from the heartless..Will you help me?"
Horai looks her over for a moment, and then slowly approaches her, moving to wrap his arms about her and embrace her securely again. He nods his head slightly, smiling softly,"I don't like acting that way with you, but if it's the only way to get through to you, then I'll do what I must to keep you safe and out of harm's way."
"If he is willing to be saved, and there is a way to save him, then we shall find it. I promise you. Just don't be trying to do everything on your own. I'm here with you now, I'm here to help you, always." He continues toward her, and atempts to hug her.
Thesia sighs, relaxing again as she's hugged and even smiling a bit though it's a sad smile, "I know..I didnt mean to scare you like that, I just...I dont know.." she frowns, resting her head against his chest. "I'm glad you're here Horai..I dont want you to ever go anywhere.."