The Loveless Diner, named after the popular play that aired so often in Midgar, was in truth more upscale than a diner. Still, it prided itself on matching the styles portrayed in the film. Semi-formal and semi-casual were called for in Loveless, and while Rufus is dressed a tocuh classier than, in a blue silk shirt and dark pants and a blazer to match, he's still not out of place. He doesn't /look/ very much like Rufus, given the lack of white, but there's no mistaking it's him once you get a close enough look, or hear him talk.
He's seated in a round booth in a corner. Though Dark Nation is curled up under the table, there's no sign of any Turks in the vicinity. That doesn't mean they're not there, but for once, they're not looming at Rufus's shoulder. Probably setting up for a sniper shot somewhere. Rufus has arrived a bit early, and already has a glass of dark red wine on the table in front of him. He's calmly perusing a menu, and honestly looks like he doesn't have a care in the world.
Zack had almost swallowed his tongue when Rufus said where they were meeting. When was the last time he'd gone in there? On a date of some kind most likely. It almost seemed a shame to ruin the semi-memory with Rufus. Ah well.
He'd wanted to just go and be done with it. But Aerith made a very persuasive appeal to his sense of style. Do you really want to me the bumpkin sitting there like you're fresh off the battle field? Dang woman knew his weakness, his ego. So a quick stop and he's out fitted in a long sleeve black silk top, slacks and dress shoes. He'd joked that all he needed was a hat and he could play Zorro, as he'd flatly refused to part with his swords even before any one brought it up.
Upon entering the diner, he was surprised that they were not descended upon by legions of Turks. Or at least a Turk. He was kind of looking forward to seeing a little blonde one in particular. Mildly disappointed, he holds the door open for Aerith and gesture to where the man sits. "Over there with the big cat, can't miss him." Zack had never been a cat person, and making friends with Sephiroth sealed the deal. He all ready had some one who was aloof, condescending and required special grooming. Why'd he want one that he had to FEED too?
Aerith had actually had fun dressing Zack up (though not in a dress this time, alas) when she had heard they would be meeting at one of her favorite little diners, back in the day. How long ago had it been when they last came here on a date? Too long perhaps, though she smiles fondly at the memory, happy to have some memories to actually cling to. She had joked that she hadnt seen Zack dress up like that in a long time (too long), he could have done with a completely new wardrobe if she had anything to do with it!
She arrives herself dressed in a simple but stylish dress, and afterall, just about anything seemed to look good on her, even if she couldnt afford much on a limited budget. A sleeveless red satin gown modestly hugs her figure, paired with red pumps and a big red ribbon in her hair, worn loose for once. Stepping into the diner,her excitement falters a bit as she spotted Rufus at the back, with that dog/cat/thing no less. Though she had heard that Rufus was a changed man, this was something she needed to see for herself. Fortunately she sees no Turks around, not yet anyway, and it's enough to let her relax for a bit, as she heads towards the President.
Rufus spies the pair as they enter the resturant, and he lifts his hand in a wave. Dark Nation, huddled next to Rufus's feet, doesn't move, but does turn her gaze to the two approaching figures. Rufus is at ease, though, and thus Dark Nation is a well. Surprise is etched into the man's features at the sight of Aerith, followed by skeptical uncertainty. Great, /her/. But, Rufus had converged shortly after a less savory version of himself had /de/-Converged, and so he puts on a pleasant smiles for the two of them.
"Miss Gainsborough," he greets. "Mr. Fair. I'm glad you could come." As if Rufus had asked for this dinner in the first place, not the other way around. He takes a sip of his wine as he waits for Zack and Aerith to seat themselves, and speaks once they're settled. "Would you like to eat first, or should we get down to business?"
Zack eyes Rufus, the cat and the room uncertainly. This felt really strange for some reason, maybe it was the lack of obvious security that was unnerving him. Though, Fluffy could probably disembowel a man with out even getting up. That helped put him at ease.
"I'm pretty sure neither of you have met the current versions of each other…." He goes cross eyed for a moment, that made sense right? "Any way, Recently-Converged Miss Gainsborough, meet Kinder-Gentler Rufus ShinRa." As many men before him, and likely many more after him, Zack finds himself deferring to Aerith for that last question. He wanted to get things done and over with so they could hit the road and try to save/destroy the world. He'd always needed some one to remind him of his manners.
Aerith nods to Rufus, forcing a rather strained smile as she seats herself. "A pleasure to meet you again, sir. I hope you dont mind me coming along." though she is polite, she is still tense. Fortunately she is not alone, and having Zack here makes things so much easier for her. Though, perhaps when their stomachs are full they can relax some more. "Lets eat first, I can always think better on a full stomach, cant you?" she picks up the nearby menu, scanning the items thoughtfully, checking her purse to see how much she can afford, which sadly, isnt much. Being a flowergirl doesnt pay all that well afterall.
Rufus spies the pair as they enter the resturant, and he lifts his hand in a wave. Dark Nation, huddled next to Rufus's feet, doesn't move, but does turn her gaze to the two approaching figures. Rufus is at ease, though, and thus Dark Nation is a well. Surprise is etched into the man's features at the sight of Aerith, followed by skeptical uncertainty. Great, /her/. But, Rufus had converged shortly after a less savory version of himself had /de/-Converged, and so he puts on a pleasant smiles for the two of them.
"Miss Gainsborough," he greets. "Mr. Fair. I'm glad you could come." As if Rufus had asked for this dinner in the first place, not the other way around. He takes a sip of his wine as he waits for Zack and Aerith to seat themselves, and speaks once they're settled. "Would you like to eat first, or should we get down to business?"
Zack eyes Rufus, the cat and the room uncertainly. This felt really strange for some reason, maybe it was the lack of obvious security that was unnerving him. Though, Fluffy could probably disembowel a man with out even getting up. That helped put him at ease.
"I'm pretty sure neither of you have met the current versions of each other…." He goes cross eyed for a moment, that made sense right? "Any way, Recently-Converged Miss Gainsborough, meet Kinder-Gentler Rufus ShinRa." As many men before him, and likely many more after him, Zack finds himself deferring to Aerith for that last question. He wanted to get things done and over with so they could hit the road and try to save/destroy the world. He'd always needed some one to remind him of his manners.
Aerith nods to Rufus, forcing a rather strained smile as she seats herself. "A pleasure to meet you again, sir. I hope you dont mind me coming along." though she is polite, she is still tense. Fortunately she is not alone, and having Zack here makes things so much easier for her. Though, perhaps when their stomachs are full they can relax some more. "Lets eat first, I can always think better on a full stomach, cant you?" she picks up the nearby menu, scanning the items thoughtfully, checking her purse to see how much she can afford, which sadly, isnt much. Being a flowergirl doesnt pay all that well afterall.
Rufus unwinds visibly at the mention of Aerith being recently converged, his smile becoming a touch warmer. Thank /god/. Maybe this Aerith will act the way he remembers Aerith acting. "A pleasure to meet you," Rufus says, giving Aerith a nod. "And I don't mind at all." Hell, having Aerith here could help make things run more smoothly, especially if she knew what he did about Sephiroth. He's relieved when she says that she wants to eat, first, and so he picks up his menu again. "I'm glad," he replies. "The food here is good, and yes, it is easier to think on a full stomach." Rufus says nothing, but if things go well, he plans on picking up the tab. He was easily one of the richest men in the world, and knew that he could afford it.
Zack casts a sympathetic glance to his companion. So many people were going to have that reaction; he hoped it wouldn't mess with her any. It wasn't Aerith's fault some incarnation of her was start raving bug-nuts. He frowns, an unpleasant thought slipping out of nowhere to nest between his ears. All of the people he knew and cared about seemed to go mad at some point…Could he be the source? The Typhoid Mary of madness? He shakes his head an picks up the menu, he really needed to stop trying to read stuff about causality.
"I'm surprised you wanted to meet here. It's a little err…" Violet eyes methodically sweep over the room again, checking for Turks, civvies and purple polka-doted green monsters. "Public." Up close the SOLDIER looks a lot worse for wear. The worry lines around his eyes are more pronounced, as are the dark circles. Some one had a rough night last night, though he was more than a little curious how Adriana had faired. At least /she/ had some one to take care of her. Never had a place seemed so empty as it had in the presence of that pounding headache.
Aerith watches Rufus thoughtfully with those gentle, emerald eyes of hers, seeming to be sizing him up. Already he seems a touch milder than she is used to. Maybe things will go smoothly, whatever it is that these two had to talk about. She glances curiously at Zack then, noting the worry that crosses his face and she seems concerned for a moment; What else doesnt she know about Zack? Shaking her head, she goes back to her menu, smiling softly behind it. She's sure she'll find out soon enough what it was these two had to discuss. For now, she focuses on her meal, already she can feel her tummy grumbling. What a long day it's been, "Hmm, I think I'll just have some garlic bread and mushroom soup with some sweet red wine. That sounds good."
"It would hardly do to shut myself inside all day, would it?" Such is Rufus' light reply, before he turns to the waitress and makes his order, asking for a bottle of win that he thinks Aerith will find agreeable. It's not /his/ favorite type of wine, but he's not so snobbish as to turn his nose up at it. He hands the menu over and waits for Zack and Aerith to order as well before continuing. "Though if you mean the lack of security, I'm hardly unprotected." As if aware that she's being spoken off, Dark Nation lets out an audible yawn, her headlash thunking against the tablepost once as she shifts herself into a more comfortable position.
Zack eyes Rufus skeptically. No it wouldn't, but if he tried to use it as an excuse to not talk about Jenova he'd drown the man in his soup. Rather than answering with the retort about alien DNA in his glowey eyeballs, he smiles at the waitress and orders as well. Soup, salad and breadsticks, The Olive Garden of the Converged world.
The thump draws his attention. What a smart kitten! He cranes his neck, getting a good look of the critter in question. He'd never liked cats and had said as much before. But there was something about one that could leave a man to be identified by his dental records that warmed the cockles of his heart. Of course, Rufus didn't have to clean the litter box, which was an added bonus. If they all survived this mess, he'd have to find something like her for Seph. "Nah, I figure this place is as safe as it's ever been. I was talking about the things we're here to discuss. I've got a stained shirt that pretty much summarizes things." He grins wryly and hands his menu over as well.
Oh right. Dark Nation. He never seems to leave home without that thing..Kind of makes her wonder where he picked up such an exotic creature in the first place. Kinda makes her smile at the possibilities. Though this is hardly a laughing matter. She can nearly smell the tension in the air, and with that animal right at her feet, she'd better not slip up, nor Zack for that matter. At the thought, she peers questioningly at Zack again as he mentions the stained shirt. Yet another mystery, one that may just be related to this meeting. Still she's sure he will come to that in time. She focuses back on Rufus, "So, no Turks around here somewhere then, I hope? Just the three..No..Four of us here tonight?" she draws a deep breath. It would be a start at least. "Obviously I've been out of the loop for a while, so forgive me for my ignorance. I hear ShinRa has changed considerably since 'that incident'. Is it true?"
Rufus chuckles quietly at the mention of the stained shirt, leaving Aerith the only one in the dark. Haha, Aerith! "I don't think that will be a problem," he says. "As I'm certain you know, our subject is such a well-kept secret that not even many of the Turks knew who or what she was. You could scream her name from the rooftops and it would turn few heads." Rufus's gaze moves back to Aerith, and he smiles. "No Turks in here," he replies lightly. As for elsewhere... well, that's a secret. "And yes, ShinRa has changed quiet a bit. For one, but father is no longer in charge, and for another--" Rufus falters a moment, as if considering his next words, and then continues. "There's no /crisis/ looming and forcing us to act in haste."
'That incident?' Which one? Zack could think of more incidents than he had fingers that ShinRa could have changed from. The Turks were still themselves, the mako reactors were still draining the life out of the planet and the Science department was still messing with things it shouldn't. The woman who recently liberated his gil was proof enough of that. He only knows half of it, had he known it all…well this conversation would have a decidedly different tone.
When Rufus talks about crisis, he can't hold back the laugh. It's a bitter bark of a sound, far more fitting a blond haired austere man then the raven haired clown. But Zack had seen the emotion in the man's eyes, the sorrow and the hate. Everything that had happened to Cloud, could happen to Sephiroth, was because ShinRa didn't know enough to keep their pants up. The anger flash boils inside him, every "crisis" they had ever had was of their own making!
After that slip, there is no outward indication of any of this. He simply closes his eyes and lets it roll through him. Sephiroth's cool, level voice cuts through the frenzy. Rufus was going against his better judgment being here, voicing any of that would likely lead to closed lips and even poorer relations. In other words? Suck it up. How many people would find it morbidly amusing that Zack's voice of logic came from some one the world knew to be a raving mad man?
"Sorry. When aren't we in crisis?" Zack responds finally with a veiled smile. "I'm half expecting you to get a phone call any minute saying a great monster has come outta the ocean ands headin straight for us."
Aerith sighs and shakes her head..Maybe ShinRa hasnt changed afterall since her departure..Midgar at least, looks the same as it did before the whole 'crisis' with Sephiroth and meteor. The 'stained shirt' thing has her scratching her head though, glancing between the two of them quizzically, "Hum? So what is this about a stained shirt..And who is this 'subject' you're talking about?" she peers back at Zack again, giving him an almost suspicious look. What hasnt he told her? "Cant someone be straight with me? Just what exactly is this meeting about anyways??"
Rufus chuckles quietly at the mention of the stained shirt, leaving Aerith the only one in the dark. Haha, Aerith! "I don't think that will be a problem," he says. "As I'm certain you know, our subject is such a well-kept secret that not even many of the Turks knew who or what she was. You could scream her name from the rooftops and it would turn few heads." Rufus's gaze moves back to Aerith, and he smiles. "No Turks in here," he replies lightly. As for elsewhere... well, that's a secret. "And yes, ShinRa has changed quiet a bit. For one, but father is no longer in charge, and for another--" Rufus falters a moment, as if considering his next words, and then continues. "There's no /crisis/ looming and forcing us to act in haste."
'That incident?' Which one? Zack could think of more incidents than he had fingers that ShinRa could have changed from. The Turks were still themselves, the mako reactors were still draining the life out of the planet and the Science department was still messing with things it shouldn't. The woman who recently liberated his gil was proof enough of that. He only knows half of it, had he known it all…well this conversation would have a decidedly different tone.
When Rufus talks about crisis, he can't hold back the laugh. It's a bitter bark of a sound, far more fitting a blond haired austere man then the raven haired clown. But Zack had seen the emotion in the man's eyes, the sorrow and the hate. Everything that had happened to Cloud, could happen to Sephiroth, was because ShinRa didn't know enough to keep their pants up. The anger flash boils inside him, every "crisis" they had ever had was of their own making!
After that slip, there is no outward indication of any of this. He simply closes his eyes and lets it roll through him. Sephiroth's cool, level voice cuts through the frenzy. Rufus was going against his better judgment being here, voicing any of that would likely lead to closed lips and even poorer relations. In other words? Suck it up. How many people would find it morbidly amusing that Zack's voice of logic came from some one the world knew to be a raving mad man?
"Sorry. When aren't we in crisis?" Zack responds finally with a veiled smile. "I'm half expecting you to get a phone call any minute saying a great monster has come outta the ocean ands headin straight for us."
Aerith sighs and shakes her head..Maybe ShinRa hasnt changed afterall since her departure..Midgar at least, looks the same as it did before the whole 'crisis' with Sephiroth and meteor. The 'stained shirt' thing has her scratching her head though, glancing between the two of them quizzically, "Hum? So what is this about a stained shirt..And who is this 'subject' you're talking about?" she peers back at Zack again, giving him an almost suspicious look. What hasnt he told her? "Cant someone be straight with me? Just what exactly is this meeting about anyways??"
Rufus doesn't answer Aerith's question about the stained shirt. Let Zack handle it. What he does do, though, if give Zack a sharp look when she mentions not knowing what the nature of tonight's discussion is. This.... is a little upsetting, and Rufus folds his hands, regarding Zack seriouly over the top of his now forgotten wine glass. "You didn't tell her why you wanted to talk to me?" And then, barely even waiting for Zack's reply, he turned his attention back to Aerith. "Zack wanted to ask me about Jenova, Sephiroth, and the connection between the two."
Zack flinches as Aerith asks about the subject of tonight's little get together and just a bit more when Rufus shoots him a look. Awe crap! He knew he was forgetting something. It was on the list! Brush hair, do laundry, tell girlfriend about clandestine meeting with the leader of Evil Corporation. He'd gotten two out of three!
To his credit, the man looks thoroughly embarrassed. The apologetic look he gives Aerith is probably the most sheepish she's ever seen. Considering how often he's tasted his own boots, that's saying something. "In my defense, you just showed up today. And you wanted to ask about the Stigma. I put two and two together and got six." Weak, even he knows it. But what can he say? Sorry, I forgot. Between worrying that my best friends are dieing of an essentially incurable disease, that one may or may not try to kill the other any way, gathering information to present to someone that may end the world as we know it AND having the girl who I thought was whacked in the head and a deceitful lying cow has reConverged in a much saner, sweeter package, I just plumb forgot to explicitly state why we were meeting.
Aerith cant help but stifle a giggle at Zack's words, and she offers him a sweet, apologetic smile. "Oh yes, of course...Sorry Zack! I guess I'm still not thinking all that clearly tonight!" it has certainly been a long day for her at least, what with reconverging, waking up in a cold wet lake with a bloody dress, getting yelled at by Zack one second, and then...She clears her throat, trying to focus at one thing at a time here, "Oh right, that's what I needed to ask you, Rufus! I need to know about Geostigma, and its possible connection to Jenova..Zack told me you've been through it before?" she shakes her head, "I guess I'm still out of the loop, it was before my time afterall.."
Zack flinches as Aerith asks about the subject of tonight's little get together and just a bit more when Rufus shoots him a look. Awe crap! He knew he was forgetting something. It was on the list! Brush hair, do laundry, tell girlfriend about clandestine meeting with the leader of Evil Corporation. He'd gotten two out of three!
To his credit, the man looks thoroughly embarrassed. The apologetic look he gives Aerith is probably the most sheepish she's ever seen. Considering how often he's tasted his own boots, that's saying something. "In my defense, you just showed up today. And you wanted to ask about the Stigma. I put two and two together and got six." Weak, even he knows it. But what can he say? Sorry, I forgot. Between worrying that my best friends are dieing of an essentially incurable disease, that one may or may not try to kill the other any way, gathering information to present to someone that may end the world as we know it AND having the girl who I thought was whacked in the head and a deceitful lying cow has reConverged in a much saner, sweeter package, I just plumb forgot to explicitly state why we were meeting.
Aerith cant help but stifle a giggle at Zack's words, and she offers him a sweet, apologetic smile. "Oh yes, of course...Sorry Zack! I guess I'm still not thinking all that clearly tonight!" it has certainly been a long day for her at least, what with reconverging, waking up in a cold wet lake with a bloody dress, getting yelled at by Zack one second, and then...She clears her throat, trying to focus at one thing at a time here, "Oh right, that's what I needed to ask you, Rufus! I need to know about Geostigma, and its possible connection to Jenova..Zack told me you've been through it before?" she shakes her head, "I guess I'm still out of the loop, it was before my time afterall.."
Rufus grinds his teeth and supresses the urge to snap and snarl at the two for not taking this as seriously as he thinks they should, and manages to get the urge under control. Be calm, he tells himself. Neither of them, apparently, have any real idea what Sephiroth is capable of, which is why they're here in the first place: he needs to make them aware of what Sephiroth is capabable of, and he can't do that by getting irritated with and snapping at them.
Geostigma, then. "Before I answer that, Miss Aerith, I think you should tell me at which point you were pulled into the Converged world." Rufus unfolds his hands and lays them flat on te table. "It will help me tell this story more smoothly."
Thankfully, Aerith didn't freak out about the omission. ~What an amazing woman! She's handling this all so good. Maybe it was shock? Gods I hope not!~ He smiles appreciatively to her and looks back at Rufus just in time to watch his jaw work. Wow, that wasn't a good habit to have. Though Rufus was rich enough he probably had his back molars replaced with diamonds so he didn't have to worry about dental work. Either way, it looked like the man wasn't going to call him on his stupid. Good, moving things along will be beneficial for every one. As Rufus had addressed Aerith, Zack remains silent and allows the two of them to converse. Cloud, as usual, had been sparing on details. They might answer some questions he didn't know he had yet.
Aerith sighs, "Alright...I believe it was right before Sephiroth..Summoned..Meteor?" she glances at Zack for confirmation on that; her mind is still fuzzy, her memory still disconnected, missing chunks, "Only he never managed to in this timeline..In fact, I'm told this world's Sephiroth never even went to Nibelheim.." she pauses for a moment, lets the words sink in. "I have to believe this because, afterall, I am myself from a different timeline than another person who was me but....Not me.." she peers back at Rufus again, frowning softly now. Her? messing around? Hardly, "Rufus..I know what he did to me..Or rather, what another version of him did to me. I also am told that he is currently afflicted with the potentially deadly geostigma disease..." she leaves that last sentence hanging, lets Rufus make of it what he will. She herself is still unsure about what is to be done about Sephiroth.
"First," Rufus begins. "He's not necessarily 'this' world's Sephiroth." Rufus folds his hand. "He hasn't always been here, but he is the one we have now." Another time Rufus might have said 'stuck with', but... best to be civil. Rufus listens as Aerith recounts what she knows, and he nods once.
"Very well," he replies. Extremely condenced retelling starts.... now. "Shortly after you were killed, Sephiroth proceeded on to the Northern Crater, luring Cloud along after him. There, Cloud was manipulated -- mind controlled, I beleive -- into handing over the Black Materia. The WEAPONS, giant creatures brought into existance when Jenova first crashed to our world, were activated and left to wreak havok. Then Sephiroth summoned Meteor. Three days later, as it was about to crash into the city, something you did with the White Materia caused the Lifestream to raise up, catch hold to Meteor, and hurl it back into space. We /thought/ we were safe, but shortly after, there was a Geostigma outbreak."
And now for the nitty-gritty. "Geostigma is the Planet overreacting to an unwelcome visitor; in this case, Jenova. The Lifestream was trying to force all of the Jenova out of our systems, which resulted in a particularly painful, and eventually fatal, illness."
Zack reaches for Aerith's hand under the table. This was going to be a difficult conversation, for both of them. He wanted to reassure her as much as he wanted some himself. Rufus was right, he really didn't like the answers.
The Story-in-a-nutshell isn't quite as disturbing as he'd feared. Though the tactlessness of his Godzilla comment does come to light. Oops! That was pretty much what he had heard, though Cloud conveniently left out the part about being manipulated. Funny that. "Wait. So, Sephiroth goes bug-nuts and gets godlike powers?" That was something he hadn't figured into his equation. It kind of made sense if he thought about it, maybe humanity had been holding Sephiroth back. So when he realized he really wasn't all hell broke loose.
Likely for the first time ever, Rufus sees Zack go completely serious. No jokes or laughter hover just beyond the surface. His expression is open and thoughtful, the worry lines around his eyes almost making him look like a different person. In a lot of ways he was.
Aerith draws a deep breath. Had it really been that bad? He had nearly wiped out an entire world...No wonder Rufus is so pissed. Even if this isnt THAT Sephiroth, the potential is still there as much as the possibility of him now being 'harmless' is..She bites her lip, looking genuinely worried..Scared even, reaching for Zack's hand, squeezing it tightly. This is much more serious than she imagined. She doesnt want to be the unknowing catalyst for this world's destruction too. "I.....See.." she swallows, unsure of what to say next. "It is quite a dilemma..If he knew the truth about Nibelheim, and Jenova..And yet he's bound to figure it out sooner or later, one way or the other. "And yet..This disease.." she blinks, another thought hitting her, "But wait, didnt Sephiroth once say that Jenova was his mother? And yet he is himself afflicted by the same disease? What does it mean?"
"No," Rufus replied. "Sephiroth gained the ability to control the minds anyone with Jenova's cells in them." He folds his hand again. "The survivors of the Nibelheim incident were experimented on by Hojo and pumped full of Mako and Jenova cells. Sephiroth use the life energy of the survivors and fueled it into the Black Materia. He did this in order to /gain/ godlike powers." A scary thought, no?
"Jenova is not," Rufus continued. "Sephiroth's mother. She's an alien lifeform that crashed to the planet thousands of years ago. Dr. Hojo, Dr. Gast--" Aerith's father, in fact. "--and a woman named Lucrecia Crescent are the ones responsible for what happened. They found Jenova, and though that with her cells they could give someone the power of the Ancients. Gast eventually left, but the project continued. Hojo impregnanted Lucrecia, and they injected Jenova cells into the unborn baby -- Sephiroth." Well, now Zack knows why the man looks so weird. "Someone probably told Sephiroth that his mother was Jenova when he was young, which is where /that/ idea came from."
Zack returns the gesture, the firmness of his grip the only outward sign he's taking any of this poorly. He loathed how all the pieces seemed to fall together so neatly. Some part of him was still holding out hope that maybe everyone was wrong, or it was just one big exaggeration. The people of Wutai didn't call Sephiroth a hero, after all. There was no avoiding it, this was how it happened, and it all made sense too. The way SOLDIERs knew of each other's presence in battle, how they could work in a team with out command. It was like a kind ofhive mind! If he'd thought about it before, he would of said it was the LifeStream. But he knew something of that, so he was prepared for it. What had happenedto the people of Neiblhiem was a different matter.
"They lost everything, then were…" He lapses into silence, allowing the anger to rise and when it found no fuel, subside again. Not here, not now. ShinRa's greater atrocities were more important right now. The news does make Zack's eye twitch. It's bad enough being an alien-hybrid, but Hojo actually had sex! W
ould ShinRa's abominations never cease?! He remains silent, allowing Aerith to have her say before adding his own questions into the mix.
Aerith draws a deep breath..Dr. Gast..Her own father, was in on this too? He was partially responsible for the monster that nearly destroyed a world? How ironic, in that he was indirectly responsible for the death of his own daughter. She swallows, squeezing her watery eyes shut for a moment or two as she listens in silence, trying to control her emotions. Such unbelievable sadness and shock is evident in her eyes and her strained features for just a moment as she quickly tries to hide it. This is certainly a hard pill for her to swallow. But Sephiroth wasnt entirely responsible for what happened. ShinRa was the real monster, Sephiroth just snapped.
She opens her eyes finally, turning to look at Rufus, her gaze hardenning slightly, her lips set into firm resolve. "I..see..It's all very complicated then. But what's important is not what happened in the past, but what is happening now. We must prevent history from repeating itself....Without anymore bloodshed." the stress is on the last few words. She knows how much it would hurt Zack if Sephiroth had to be destroyed.
"You'll forgive me," Rufus begins. "If I'm not as optimistic as either of you. I saw Sephiroth cause too much destruction and kill too many innocent people for too little reason; I cannot allow myself the luxury of hoping that maybe this time things will be different." There was a pause. "However, he has done nothing in this world.... /yet/. A such, there's no reason for us to expend the resources and risk the lifes necessary to eliminate any potential threat his may represent." Zack and Aerith may not like his wording and his logic, but the fact that the will and life of ShinRa had just said there's not reason to assault their friend.
"That said," Rufus continues. "Is there anything else you wanted to ask me?"
Zack doesn't like what he just said and it's the meaning that keeps him from reaching across the table and strangling the guy. "Funny, no one seemed to care when he killed innocent people for ShinRa's "too little" agenda." Wutai was nearly a genocide and Seph had come home a hero. True, it ended the war, but looking back on it had they really been wrong? Knowing what he does now, about the LifeStream and the horrible things ShinRa was capable of he can't honestly say he'd fight against them again.
It's a good thing SOLDIERs are chosen for their will power, it's the only thing keeping Zack from an altercation, both physical and verbal. The fierce glow of his eyes lets all who know what it means that state of things. Not giving Rufus a chance to respond to his previous jibe, he cuts in. "Lucrecia Crescent. I'm sure you've got a personnel file on her some where. I'd like a copy, I gotta give him something other than." Zack shudders at the thought. "Hojo."
Aerith draws a deep breath, sitting back in her seat. She hasnt touched much of her dinner throughout this conversation, which has been rather nerve-racking to say the least. She can think of many things to say right now, but it might just make the situation worse. At the very least, ShinRa wont cause anymore damage. For now. Who knows what will happen in the future. She licks her dry lips, glancing back at Rufus, pondering, "Rufus, do you have any files on Professor Gast? Anything at all?"
"We can discuss the Wutai war all you like," Rufus replied calmly. "I will note, however, that the Wutaian people were armed and fighting back, whereas reports show that everyone in Nibelheim was asleep and unawares when he attacked them." Enough of that, though. "I can give you files on both Lucrecia Cresent and Dr. Gast." With some of the more sensitive bits of information edited out, of course. "I'm not certain what you expect to learn from them, though."
Zack stares at Rufus, the color of his eyes brightening again. This conversation needed to be over, and soon. Despite the light show, his voice is remarkably even. "You just don't get it, do you? ShinRa /made/ him. His childhood was spent in and out of the Science Department. Hell, he hardly left the building!" Zack looses Aerith's hand so he doesn't accidentally crush it. "The idea that he had a mother somewhere named Jenova, and maybe just /maybe/ she cared about him passed his latest test scores, was the only piece of normalcy he had. If I take that from him and replace it with this…this science fiction crap, well that's why he lost it in the first place, ain't it? I have to have something else to give him, another name, another face. A human he can be angry at instead of an alien-thing he'll embrace."
Aerith bites her lip, listening to Zack's rant with sympathetic ears. She too, spent most of her childhood within the confines of a ShinRa prison. She too, was another victim of ShinRa laboratory experiments, though fortunately she had escaped before any serious damage was done. Her mother, however, died because of them. And as for her father..Well, she knew nothing really, about him. No doubt, ShinRa would cover that up too in their reports. What other damage did they do to her mother? Her father? She's about to open her mouth to ask, but as the tension begins to rise again, she decides against it, keeping quiet for the moment instead.
Rufus once again finds himself himself accused of crimes he didn't commit, and once again finds himself sorely tempted to scream about it. But that's not what Rufus ShinRa does. Rufus ShinRa is /not/ his father. He doesn't shirk responsibility or try to shift the blame to others to attempt to deflect the attention away from himself. It didn't matter if he didn't do it; the previous president and owner of ShinRa /did/. Rufus is the president and owner /now/, and every action that ShinRa takes or took once is now his.
"I didn't say I wouldn't give you the information you asked for," he replied calmly. "Meerly noted that I don't see how you expected it to help. Lucrecia Cresent was a willing participant in the project that resulted in Sephiroth's birth and unpleasant childhood." Rufus honestly thinks anyone would be happier with their misconception, but who is he to argue if Zack wants to risk his life in the name of telling Sephiroth the truth?
Zack pinches the bridge of his nose. Didn't he just tell him why? "And I thank you for that." There wasn't any sense trying again. Rufus couldn't glean understanding of Seph's mind from Zack. Zack wasn't even sure how he came about it, much less how to explain it. Idly the word Jenova cells flits across his perceptual radar. Well, wouldn't that be fun? With nothing else to say, he turns to his food and finds he's quite lost his appetite.
Aerith too, has lost her appetite, but really, she didnt come here to eat. At least they had ordered the food first. She nibbles away at her bread, dipping it in her soup, trying to get down as much of it as she can in silence. Finally, after a moment's thought, she glances back at Rufus, attempting a weak smile, "Well...At any rate, I think we both learned a lot of useful information..I know this is probably difficult on all of us, but some of these things had to be said I guess. At least now, maybe I can figure out a way to help the victims of geostigma - at least some of them." the question of whether or not she should attempt to help Sephiroth even, still lingers at the back of her mind, a constant bother, one she'd rather not think about.
"And thank you for the files. At the very least it will tell me something about my father, whom I never even knew in life. There was...One other thing I wished to know..About the church? I am not sure how exactly it was destroyed, as I am sure a faulty heating system would not have caused so much damage. But, do you have any plans of rebuilding it? Rude told me there might be a small matter of money and the question of how profitable it would be to rebuild it, but if it helps, I can try and get some people to donate for the cause.." well it's a long shot but..She really loved that church. "I am sure a lot of people would appreciate it." It's the least Shinra can do for its past sins.
Rufus is surprised, to say the least, when Aerith asks about the church, and he has to struggle to not smile with incredulous delight at the simplicity of her request. Finally! Something normal, something straightforward, something that doesn't require careful thought and consideration before he replies!
"Yes," he says. "Since you've requested it, the church will be rebuilt. Probably not to the exact specifications it held before, but I'm certain we have an architect that can come up with something close."
Ah, the GeoStigma! A nice, somewhat neutral topic of conversation. And one that was also near and dear to his heart. Seeing as both Seph and Cloud seemed to have the thing. There was still the quiet worry that he'd come down with the life-sapping cootie, one he can't easily put aside. But if Aerith really had something to do with healing it the first time, well even if he did get it maybe it wouldn't last too long?
Lost in thought, he itches nervously at the collar of his shirt, and nearly tears it when he hears her say "my father". Bwha?! Zack gapes at the woman sitting next to him. There was a /reason/ she'd tried to protect him from ShinRa and he thought he'd figured it out with all the stuff with Seph. What else has she not told him?
Aerith seems to relax a bit, no longer tense, no longer upset at the change of topic. In fact she smiles softly, emerald eyes sparkling happily, "Oh, really you would? I'm so glad! I'm sure everyone will be happy to hear that too..A lot of people saw it as a place of hope, as did I.." hmm, as for Geostigma, did not Zack mention something about her having a role in it? Seems she will have to just meet one of these victims and see for herself. No way around it really. "Alright then! I think that is all I have to say..Zack?" she glances at him curiously, hoping he has calmed down some when she is distracted by the arrival of the bill, blanching a bit at the price of her lovely dinner. "Umm, I suppose there is only one thing left to do then..." she begins rummaging in her purse, searching for the right amount of change.