Title: Confidant
Genre: slice of life, a little R for some themes
Rating: PG
Pairing: Sho/Nino
Summary: In which Nino is a patient and Sho is the doctor
This is written from Nino's POV.
Note: This is a drabble, a short one.. and perhaps I'll get inspiration in the future to write a continuation in Sho's POV
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Comments 6
will be nice if you can write the continuation of the story :D
I really love the story's flow..
Continue this please...
Just a drabble but the flow of the story and the abrupt end for sure makes the reader wanted to read more. Perhaps, from doc and patient relationship can develop to love of supporting each other? but hopefully the continuation would be OS length :p
not the wound on his hand...awwwwwwww
is there any continuation? hehehe
thanks for sharing,,,, :)
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