Title: Our Stars Scattered Like Dust (8/11)
icedteainthebag and
wishflsinflCharacters/pairings: Adama/Roslin, Kara/Lee, Gaius/Caprica, other assorted affairs, ensemble cast
Rating: MA (graphic sex)
Warnings: AU, Character death
Spoilers: through Daybreak
Summary: As the new bartender on the cruise ship Galactica Bill Adama is hoping for an uneventful first voyage
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Comments 33
You guys have just the best lines. This has to be one of my favourites:
Tory was really losing it. First washing Laura's white panties with the strange red dress she'd found on Gaius's floor and now this.
And Laura being jealous of Ellen was epic:
"if you're hitting that then I'm gonna need you to wear a condom next time, if there is a next time-"
And yet, there's this undercurrent of sadness and I just can't get over. Going to go see where it goes :D
You know, maybe Bill should have suggested that he, Ellen, and Laura all get along. Maybe that would have helped. ;)
Undercurrent of sadness, you say? :|
*is tearing up without knowing why*
Is he going to get captured on that ship and she's going to go all 'I'm coming for all of you' on their pirate asses? I mean, obviously before becoming a cruise director and after her family's death she spent a little time as a professional assassin.
Haha, Tory put on Titanic. Of course, at the rate they went the main characters probably hadn't even met by the time they finished.
Oh, if only he had gotten captured. We could have had some nice hurt/comfort sex on the pirate ship before he got rescued. And then we would have killed him in the rescue.
Quite frankly Laura with an assassin back story could totally weasel into canon for me. I mean, there's a bunch of stories about great killers who decide one day to take an oath to stop doing what they do. It makes her aversion to guns and most things violent totally valid in series. She only kills cylons which come back, and people die around her simply because she can't save them all, which I think is a decent enough loophole for any 'do no harm' oath.
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