(no subject)

Oct 19, 2004 12:49

First grade teacher's name: mi madre. miss moliassa or mrs. evasic now
Last word you said: you
Last song you sang: i dont remember

Last thing you laughed at: emily

What's in your cd player?: um..remember the titans sound track

What color socks are you wearing?: white w/ yellow strips at the top

What's under your bed?: clothes, water, powerade, shoes, a few games
What time did you wake up today?: 9:30 am.
Current hair: brown w/ my sunlights, in a pony tail as usual.
Current clothes: jeans, adidas tshirt, socks, great lakes shipwreck musuem polar fleece
Current annoyance: biology lab reports 
Current smell: nothing
Current longing: hmm...
Current desktop picture: jess n i.....me in her army stuff..charlies angels style
Current favorite music artist: a lot
Current book: Iced by Jenny Siler

Current worry: biology
Current hate: a few things.....
Story behind your username: played ice hockey for 8 years..and ran for 6....
Current favorite article of clothing: the jeans on my body.
Favorite physical feature on a guy? um....probably eyes
Line from the last thing you wrote to someone: prolly cya or something.
I am happiest when: able to relax, see my friends n family..have a grand ole time
I feel lonely: the past few days on and off
Favorite authors:um...

Famous person you have met: a few canadian and us womens hockey players...

Do you have any regrets?: who doesnt
Sex or love: hah...love.
Favorite coffee: none.
Favorite smell: fresh rain/snow..cold air.
What makes you mad?: a lot of stuff..not gonna go into detail.
Favorite way to waste time: um..anything really...
What is your best quality?: um..u tell me
Are in currently in love/lust?: naw.
Bad habits?: bite-age of the nails.
Do you find it hard to trust people?: in a way yes..certain ppl tho.
Last thing you bought yourself: a skirt from ae

Bath or shower?: shower
Favorite season: i like all four so...summer, winter, fall, spring.
Favorite color: blue and pink (depending on the shade)
Favorite flavor: hmm.
Favorite time of day: night

Gold or silver?: silver
Any secret crushes?: nope.
Do you wear a watch?: si, the fossil one my mom got me for senior year.
Favorite stores: kohls, ae, gap, target....i love shopping
How big is your closet?: at home...its sucky..at school..its huge.
Ever spend more then $200 in a store?: not me..but my grandma buying stuff for me.
Do your friends know everything about you?: no.
What do they tend to be like?: what??
Book you read: runaway jury

Movie you saw: eurotrip

Movie you saw on the big screen: Garden State
Show you watched on TV: um...who's line? or maybe family guy..i've been introduced to that show here

Song you heard: dont remmeber

Thing you had to drink:applejuice
Thing you ate: donut
Time you showered: last night
Time you smiled: about 1/2 hour ago.
Time you laughed: last night...while watchin eurotrip..or maybe shawn stickin quarters up his nose..
Person you hugged: jess
Person you talked to online: steve or my mom

Person you talked to on the phone: my mom

Smoke?: nope
Do drugs?: nope
Drink?: nope
Have sex?: no.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: um yea...
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: not in a while.
Believe there is life on other planets?: why not?.
Read the newspaper?: a few weeks ago i did.
Believe in miracles?: si.
Consider yourself tolerant?: yea....
Consider police a friend or foe?: mostly friend.
Like the taste of alchohol?: depends.
Believe in astrology?: not really.
Believe in magic?: a lil.
Go to church?: nope
Have any secrets?: Yes.
Have any pets?: two dogs.
Go or plan to attend college?: emu.
Talk to strangers?: now that im at college..its kinda a given.
Have any piercings?: ears and belly button.
Have any tattoos?: nada.
Hate yourself?: not really.
Wish on stars?: si..doesn't mean it works tho
Like your handwriting?: its varies so much..who knos.
Believe in witches?: sure
Believe in ghosts?: yeah
Believe in santa?: yes
Believe in the easter bunny?: not reallly
Believe in the tooth fairy?: nope
Sing in the shower?: not really.
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