Long journal is long

Dec 20, 2008 18:54

Okay, okay... first: http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg117/Aisona/funny%20pictures%20xD/66adt1jpg.gif

AND: I will sketch for the first five people who comment with their request. Simple sketches only.
The catch is that you must put this up in your journal as well. If you absolutely do not draw, go for drabbles, etc.

(I will only draw originals.)

Alright, haha, meme time.

(1 Points) +1 point for my legal name) What's my first name:
(1 Points) My last name:
(5 Points) Take a stab at my middle name:
(2 Points) Where do I live:
(2 Points) What color are my eyes:
(3 Points) Who am I in love with:
(2 Points) Where did we meet:
(3 Points) What am I afraid of:
(4 Points) Describe my taste in the opposite and/or same :
(2 Points) Do I smoke:
(3 Points) Do I drink/What do I drink:
(2 Points) +1 point for each name) How many siblings do I have:
(2 Points) +1 point for each name) How many pets do I have:
(4 Points) What's one of my favorite things to do:
(3 Points) Who is/are my favorite person/people:
(3 Points) What's my favorite type of music:
(3 Points) What do I eat on pizza:
(3 Points) Name something I :
(3 Points) Name someone I :
(5 Points) What are my parents' names:
(4 Points) Name a talent I have:
(5 Points) What are my vices:
(5 Points on creativeness) If I were stranded on a desert island, what would I bring:

- Available: unfortunately
- Age: 16
- Annoyance: uhh....
- Actor: don't have one?

- Beer: Gross
- Birthday/Birthplace: New Jersey
- Best Friend:
- Body part on opposite : Uhh... hair?
- Best feeling in the world: Being loved
- Big words: Cool when used properly
- Best weather: Cold and snowing
- Been in love: I think I am, I can't tell, sometimes
- Been bitched out?: Yeah
- Been on stage?: Youth group
- Believe in yourself?: Occasionally
- Believe in life on other planets: It'd be awesome
- Believe in miracles: No...
- Believe in Magic: IN A YOUNG GIRLS HEART hahaa....
- Believe in God: Yeah
- Believe in Satan: Yeah
- Believe in Santa: No
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: They'd also be awesome
- Believe in Evolution: eh.
- Car: What? I don't have one
- Candy: Chocolate
- Colour: shades of blue and turquoise
- Cried in school: A few times
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate
- Chinese/Mexican: Chinese
- Cake or pie: Pecan chocolate pie
- Country to visit: Brasil
- Day or Night: Night
- Dream vehicle: Giraffe
- Danced: I SUCK
- In the rain?: nope
- Do the splits?: Owwww

- Eggs: The edible kind, yes please.
- Eyes: Mine are brown but hazel in the light~~
- Everyone has a(n): iPod but me...
- Ever failed a class?: Yup...

- First crush: Some kid in elementary....
- Full name: Laura May J.
- First thoughts waking up: "What was my dream?"

- Greatest fear: Being rejected/forgotten
- Giver or taker: Little bit of both, I try to give.
- Goals: Become successful
- Gum: Dragonfruit Icebreakers (Oh god, yes....)
- Get along with your parents?: Occasionally...
- Good luck charm: My necklace

- Hair Colour: Black tips in areas, auburn color, and brown roots
- Height: 5'6"?
- Happy: not a lot, recently
- Holiday: Used to be Christmas...
- How do you want to die: Painlessly
- Health freak?: Yeah, right...
- Hate: hmm...

- Ice cream: Tiramisu or Chocolate trinity...
- Instrument: Piano and Violin

- Jewelry: Necklace w/ star charm, sometimes earrings.
- Job: None.

- Kids: I want twinssss
- Kick boxing or karate: Karate
- Keep a journal? Used to many years ago.

- Longest car ride: South Fl. to New York D:
- Love: I've been screwed up by it :D
- Letter: I'd like to write some...
- Laughed so hard you cried: Not recently
- Love at first sight: nope

- Milk flavour: Pocky
- Movie: dunno...
- Mooned anyone?: Haha, no xD
- Marriage?: After college, maybe.
- Motion sickness?: Not really

- Number of Siblings: 2
- Number of Piercings: 2
- Number of Tattoos: None
- Number: Don't have one

- Overused phrases: i dunno
- One wish: That I could actually get what I want...
- One phobia: Sometimes the dark

- Place you'd like to live: Brasil or somewhere Europe?
- Perfect Pizza: Garlic
- Pepsi/Coke: Coke

- Quail: Yummy eggs

- Reason to cry: Too many.
- Reality TV: no...
- Radio Station: 97.9
- Roll your tongue in a circle: Yup

- Song: Lull, White Flag, Walking on Air...
- Shoe size: 9 1/2?
- Salad dressing: Buttermilk ranch/Balsamic
- Sushi: Delicious
- Scent: Dunno
- Slept outside: Yup

- Seen a dead body?: No
- Smoked? Eww, no
- Skinny dipped?: Nope
- Shower Daily?: Yeah
- Sing well?: I wish.
- In the shower?: lolyes
- Swear: I try not to
- Stuffed Animal/toy: Giraffe or Octopus
- Single/Group dates: Single
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries
- Scientists need to invent: Something really useful

- Time for bed: 10 if there's school the next day >:CCC
- Thunderstorms: The best kind
- TV: Flapjack, House, NCIS, Monk, Psych, Chowder
- Touch your tongue to your nose?: No...

- Unpredictable: Sometimes
- Unpredictability: What.

- Vegetable you hate: Raw tomatoe
- Vegetable you love: Spinach
- Vacation spot: A nice beach~

- Weakness: Ergh...
- When you grow up: I have no idea....
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: None?
- Who makes you laugh the most: nerdcorpse and Jefro
- Worst feeling: Being alone.
- Wanted to be a model?: Maybe if I was thin and pretty
- Where do we go when we die: Somewhere other than here
- Worst weather: hot and humid

- X-Rays: my lungs/torso when i had pneumonia

- Year it is now: 2008
- Yellow: Cheery color

- Zoo animal: Giraffe
- Zodiac sign: Taurus and monkey

Uhh, art time~


Cappuccino as a kid. Her dad was an angry alcoholic who abused her :I

My scanner KILLED this....
I need to finish it already.... nnngh

Working on an Alice in Wonderland series of pictures for my characters.

I want to redo this... it's ugly.....
((Mad hatter/white rabbit mix? I think I'll just make it march hare or something next time...))

Syllable is Alice.
I like this one. Don't know what I'm going to use to color it, though...

Finished Junk:

Not bad for something I did in all pen, huh?

Though I don't like how dark her hair and ears came out, I like the overall outcome of this one.

I got angry when I messed up...

I really hated how this looked before I put the white ink splatters all over it xDD

Oh yeah, And I got tagged :<
The rules are that for 8 days you have to post something that made you happy that day. Tag 8 people to do the same.

Uhh, I don't know 8 people to tag.... ;___;

1. My friend came over and gave me a yummy bath set, a cool stone giraffe head/neck, and this cuddly little sheep.
2. Uhhh... I've been texting one of my friends, he makes me laugh xD
3. I am calling the person who tagged me.... right now... hurr

I'm not all that happy today?

[[Edit2: Nevermind.]]

art, memes, funny, faggotry

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