Canon: Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Character: Faize Sheifa Beleth
Timeline: Right after rescuing Sarah upon arriving on Roak, pre-Purgatorium.
Personality: At first glance, Faize seems to be very reserved. His default expression is more or less a neutral one; this comes from the overly logical side that most - if not all - Eldarians have. However, this does not mean that Faize is emotionless. It's really quite the opposite. He can actually be very emotional, and is easily surprised. He is also pretty gullible when it comes to things he is unfamiliar with, like when he believed Welch when she told him that Edge and all other humans eventually turn into slime monsters.
Faize is capable of calm reasoning, and hardly ever panics. Visibly, that is. While he can work under pressure just fine, he really can't handle stress very well. He also does poorly at hiding it, and will go out of his way to avoid talking about it with friends. By this point, it's very surprising that he hasn't had a mental breakdown due to stress. His eyes change color, as well, while he is feeling extreme stress or emotion; they change from a calm purple to an angry red. This may be due to the fact that his genetics were messed with, possibly signifying that his psychological make-up is unstable, but it can't be proven to be true at this time.
Overall, Faize has very firm convictions, and is easily irritated when someone acts unreasonably. Perhaps because of this, he has a strong desire for harmony. If you are doing something that seems irrational, he will point it out and attempt to solve the problem, though he can't be patient for long if you continue to act in that manner. Faize is also very passionate about learning, and will take any opportunity he can get to learn something new, or teach something to someone. Back on his home planet, you could pretty much guarantee that Faize would be some sort of instructor.
Background: Faize was born on the planet Eldar, though it wasn't a typical birth as we would think of it. The climate on Eldar was a harsh one - their sun had grown to be a giant, throwing the world into nearly a desert state and making it highly unlivable. But, thankfully, the Eldarians' technological advances had allowed them to preserve life on their planet. As the climate there was harsh and normal acclimation and evolution was made much too slow to be effective, children were born through DNA management using genes that were considered favorable. Because of this, Faize never had a family to speak of. As he grew up, he proved to be an exceptional student, picking up the rapier and Symbology, a form of magic not available to humans, easily. His ear decorations were given for his accomplishment in both academics and combat.
Over the years, Eldarians had secretly been in close, albeit secret contact with Earthlings. They even helped the Space Reconnaissance Force to develop some of the technologies they use, such as life support methods and subspace warp technology. When the distress call came in from the first exploratory expedition force that the Earthlings sent into space, the Eldarian fleet that Faize was associated with came to the rescue. The five ships of the expedition had encountered some difficulty during warp, and four of the five ships had exited and landed on a planet called Aeos. The fifth ship, the Aquila, had disappeared entirely. Faize was sent to track down a group of two, Edge and Reimi, that had been sent to investigate why one of the ships had lost contact. He finds them standing on the beach, with the wreckage of the ship in the water several meters away. A deceased crewman of the ship is lying on the beach as well, and before he can properly introduce himself, the crewman's body turns into a monster and attacks the three of them. After successfully dispatching the threat, he introduces himself and lets the two know that he is what they would call an alien. Both Edge and Reimi are surprised by this, and ask if the SRF knows about his race, which he confirms. Faize then lets them know they are both wanted back at the base established at the Calnus, the ship they had arrived on.
Back at the base, Edge and Reimi are shocked at how quickly the crash site had been transformed into a base. Faize explains this as Eldarian technology. They enter the base and meet Supreme Commander Gaghan of the Eldarians, as well as the captain of the Calnus. Edge is officially made captain of the Calnus, as their captain must stay behind on Aeos. Gaghan insists that Faize accompany Edge and Reimi, and the two become the only crew of the Calnus, besides Edge himself. The group is given the task of not only finding a planet suitable for colonization, but tracking down the missing ship Aquila as well.
The crew travels to an unexplored planet called Lemuris. Shortly after arriving, they come upon a village called Triom, and the villagers begin to treat them as gods, as one of the villagers has seen them land in their "celestial ship". They soon are taken to the village chief, Ghimdo, who is suffering from a strange disease. He explains to the party that the disease, Bacculus, has been plaguing their planet for quite some time, and slowly turns people into stone. In mid-discussion, a young girl walks into the house and begins to draw on the floor next to Ghimdo. He introduces her as his granddaughter, Lymle, and Faize immediately recognizes that what she is drawing is a Symbology symbol. He asks Ghimdo about it, and Ghimdo explains that Lymle is the planet's best Symbologist. Faize laughs at this and Lymle, frustrated, summons Cerberus, a flaming, demonic dog, and Faize promptly becomes quiet.
Lymle finishes drawing the symbol, which supposedly delays the effect of Bacculus, and announces to Ghimdo that she's leaving to retrieve a symbol. The party becomes worried about her safety, and Ghimdo explains that she is travelling to a Symbologist that lives at the top of a tower, so as to learn a symbol that will cure the disease. Before they even have the chance to be asked, Edge volunteers the party to escort her to the tower, so long as the villagers stop treating them like gods.
The party travels north across a snowfield and arrives at the tower. However, upon reaching the top, they find the Symbologist being attacked by a dragon-like creature. They quickly defeat it, but unfortunately a portion of the ceiling collapses, falling onto the Symbologist. As the rest of the tower threatens collapse, Lymle explains that her friend in Woodley Village knows the symbol. When asked, she responds that you have to write your name on the walls of the tower when you successfully learn the symbol. The group then heads for Woodley Village.
Upon arriving, Lymle takes them to the home of her friend, Lutea. Lutea reveals that the symbol she has learned has no effect against the current strain of Bacculus. In order to create a new, effective symbol, they must find the source of the Bacculus disease and secure it inside a Symbol Stone, which she gives to them. Lymle suggests they head back to Triom. Upon arriving in Triom, Ghimdo tells them that the Bacculus disease began when another "celestial ship" like the one Edge and company arrived on had landed nearby. Thinking it's the Aquila, they immediately make for where Ghimdo claimed the ship had landed.
After making their way to the mountains northeast of the village, they come to find that the ship isn't the Aquila at all, but a ship from an unknown species. They fight their way through the monsters infesting the wrecked ship and come to a control room. Faize taps into the computer's surveillance system, and finds a recording at the end of the feed that shows the crew of the ship being attacked by lizard-like monsters, the same they had to fight through to get to the control room, and then transforming into lizard monsters themselves. Faize reveals that the aliens who used to inhabit the ship are called the Cardianon. Deeper into the ship, they discover a strange room holding the transformed body of the dead Cardianon commander. Beyond this lies a strange object, made of the same material as the meteor fragment that Edge and Reimi had discovered on the crewman back at Aeos. Getting closer to the object, the Symbol Stone begins to respond and glow, revealing the strange object to be the source of Bacculus. However, the stone is unable to contain the energy from the source, and it shatters. The object takes over the body of the dead commander and transforms it even further into a monster. Defeating the monster, its body vaporizes, leaving only a small core behind. Edge smashes the core with his sword, and and a beam of light shoots into the sky. Leaving the ship, they notice a lack of the lizard-like monsters, as well as on the way back to Triom. Unfortunately, according to witnesses, victims of the Bacculus had transformed into monsters and began rampaging before turning into stone at the appearance of the beam of light, Lymle's grandfather included. No longer having any family, Lymle decides to come with them to track down the truth about what happened on Lemuris.
Back at the Calnus, the crew analyzes the data collected from the Cardianon ship. They find an image of the Aquila embedded into the data, and Edge decides to set course for the Cardianon homeworld. Upon arriving, they find what looks to be a large space station rather than a planet. As they look on, the Calnus is pulled in by a tractor beam, with no means of escape. Onboard the Cardianon ship, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of soldiers, so they head out to look for a way to free the Calnus from the tractor beam. They find a command console, and Faize begins to analyze the data. They come upon the Cardianon's invasion plan, and an image of something called an Epiphany of Guidance, which looks a lot like the object at the source of Bacculus on Lemuris. Information on the object is heavily protected, but they do manage to find a room with a high level of protection, and they head there to investigate.
Upon arriving in this room, the doors begin closing around them. They manage to barely escape before one of the doors closes, but come to find themselves caught in a trap prepared by the Cardianon. The soldiers escort Edge and company to a holding cell. The leader of the Cardianon commands them to stop the "steel giant" that the captain of the Aquila sent after them to destroy the ship, and Edge steadfastly refuses. The "steel giant", who is actually a mostly-cyborg man, appears shortly after and breaks the party out of their prison cell. Introducing himself as Bacchus, he reveals he is there to destroy the Grigori, or what the Cardianon call the Epiphany of Guidance. As both Bacchus and Edge have the same goal in mind, Bacchus joins the group, and they fight their way to the heart of the ship, where the Grigori is kept. On the way, he explains that the Grigori had greatly accelerated the evolution of the Cardianon. It caused them to evolve so quickly that the Cardianon were not even capable of speech not long ago, but it also destroyed their home world.
They reach the room where the Grigori is kept, and Bacchus successfully destroys it. The leader of the Cardianon appears, claiming that they had destroyed the last of the Grigori, and attacks them, though he is easily defeated. As a last ditch effort, he throws down an explosive, and Bacchus throws himself onto it to keep the rest of the party from being injured, taking the full blow. Damaged but still alive, the party drags him on and disables the tractor beam that is holding their ship, which unfortunately activates an emergency power system. Bacchus reveals that the ship is about to warp to an unknown location in space, so the party hurries back to the Calnus and escapes before the Cardianon ship makes its emergency warp.
Bacchus suggests that they head to his home planet, En II, to gather more information. However, on the way there, the Calnus encounters a black hole. Unable to escape, it gets sucked in, but miraculously comes out the other side unharmed. They land on a nearby planet, and Reimi is shocked by the computer's readouts. With a few small differences, the planet they have landed on is Earth. Reimi and Lymle stay behind to watch over the ship while Edge, Faize and Bacchus leave to investigate. The area they have landed in appears to be a desert, and they walk to a nearby gas station. They find a faded magazine inside, and Bacchus claims he is picking up radio signals. Based on these two finds, Edge determines that they have traveled back in time, landing on Earth in the year 1957. They leave to return to the Calnus, but discover the ship surrounded by military vehicles. As they prepare to force their way back to the ship, a man in glasses stops them. Calling himself Klaus, he warns them not to provoke the soldiers, and instead leads them back to his own house nearby.
Upon entering the house, they find Lymle. She had left the Calnus on her own, and Klaus had rescued her. Reimi had been captured, though, while trying to make Lymle come back. Klaus offers to help them infiltrate the military facility to get her back, explaining that he used to work as a researcher at the base, but was thrown out after questioning the military's reckless use of alien technology. All he asks in return is that they rescue an alien girl named Meracle. They agreem, and he leads them to an area nearby. He calls up the base on a pay phone, pretending to have captured new aliens, and requests that they let him enter. Edge and company play along, handing their weapons to Bacchus, who camouflages himself. They enter the base, and Klaus quietly tells Edge that will break the mechanism keeping the cell doors locked. Breaking the locks, however, will also release many dangerous life forms onto the base, but this is no problem for the crew of the Calnus. The group is locked into a cell.
Not too long afterwards, an alarm sounds, and their cell door becomes unlocked. Bacchus hands their weapons back, and the group fights their way through the base. A young cat girl bursts from one of the holding cells, but runs away as soon as she sees the group. Assuming this is Meracle by how Klaus described her, they rush after her. They find her at the end of a holding cell, trapped by a large monster. She dodges several attacks, but is quickly cornered. Edge and company rush in to protect her, and quickly defeat the monster. Meracle licks each of them on the forehead in thanks. She catches the scent of Klaus on the group and realizes that they must be friends of his. In thanks for saving her, she agrees to go with them to save Reimi.
Coming out of the holding cell area, the group finds the Calnus stored in a large area. They are confronted by soldiers, as well as a woman introducing herself as Milla, the base's chief director. She realizes that they are from the future, and she asks them for technological assistance to help ensure that the future is peaceful. Edge understands, and wanting to help the post-war Earth he is familiar with, hands Milla the Calnus' energy core. Milla then turns on the group, locking them in a monitoring chamber and starting up an experimental antimatter reactor. Reimi is laying inside the chamber as well.
The reactor begins to overload, and Edge watches on in horror, blaming himself for everything. The overloading reactor is twisting and breaking down the space around it, and Edge makes the decision that they have to escape. An opening suddenly appears in the wall of the chamber, and they exit, finding Klaus. Meracle rushes up to him, but he urges her to return to space with Edge and company. The group rushes to the Calnus, but without its energy core, it is unable to escape the spatial distortion. Meracle remembers a pendant that Klaus had given her, claiming it may be of some use to her someday. She hands it to Faize, who immediately recognizes it as a high-density exalithium crystal. They enter this into the ship, and are given more than the correct amount of power to get away. As they shoot out into space, Earth detonates behind them, flinging the Calnus back to its own dimension. This leaves Edge in a state of shock and dispair, so Reimi takes over as acting captain, and insists that they land on the nearby planet of Roak for repairs.
Upon landing, they camouflage the Calnus and head for a nearby town. On the way, they witness a black-clothed girl riding a large, pink rabbit. As unusual as it is, the party continues on, with Edge in an unshakable depression. They come to a town called Tatroi, and shortly after entering, a group of three grey-robed men passes them, chanting strangely. The group continues into town, and an oddly calm cry for help is heard from nearby. They rush to help, but Edge can't seem to bring himself to interfere in the affairs of other planets again. They find the source of the cry, a young, winged woman being threatened by masked men. Edge finally comes around, and the group causes the men to run away. The girl introduces herself as Sarah, a Featherfolk. She offers to lead them to a local historical structure called the Purgatorium, but Edge refuses her assistance. Sarah suggests they visit the group of nomads that are camping outside of Tatroi, and leaves. As the party leaves Tatroi to talk to the nomads, this is when Faize is taken to Adstringendum.
Abilities/Additional Notes: Faize is excellent at working with technology. He's very quick to analyze data, and he designed his own spacecraft. He is also a fairly decent fighter, choosing to use a Rapier, though he constantly trains to become better, and looks up to Edge, though not just for his fighting skills.
Something else Faize specializes in is the use of Symbology. From the point in the storyline that he is being taken, he can cast Antidote, Earth Glave, Stone Rain, Ice Needles, Shadow Needles and Enlighten.
Antidote - Cures poisoning.
Earth Glave - Causes a spike of earth to rise from the ground below the enemy.
Stone Rain - Calls forth a barrage of boulders from the air.
Ice Needles - Summons shards of ice and hurls them at the enemy as projectiles.
Shadow Needles - Calls upon a dark portal to send shadow daggers at the enemy as projectiles.
Enlighten - Boosts Faize's Symbology potency for a short amount of time. (In game, it boosts intelligence by a percentage. Duration and percentage vary with the level of the spell.)
Faize is also slightly skilled in Alchemy, but mostly the creation of potions and healing items.
Sample Journal Post: [The feed begins with some scuffling of shoes on asphalt, but after a few moments of silence, a smooth, even voice is heard.]
... what is this place? It certainly doesn't look like the area outside of Tatroi. I didn't think this planet was capable of such a city yet, let alone for it to be destroyed...
[Another moment of silence.]
... but wait, where are Edge and the others? There isn't any trace of Tatroi here, either. We were simply leaving Tatroi... I don't understand how something so simple could bring me to a place like this.
[A soft sigh, though not frustrated, simply inconvenienced.]
I suppose the only thing to do would be to try to find everyone. No sense in just standing around, after all. Wherever it is that I have been brought to, I hope my translator works here.
[The sound of fabric being smoothed and patted, as well as a slight metallic jostling, can be heard. Suddenly there is the almost deafening sound of the PCD's microphone being scraped against the asphalt. After a moment, the voice is heard again.]
... it seems to be some sort of communications device. Slightly primitive, but...
... I wonder what planet this is. Could I have been taken to Earth? If I could only find Edge...
[The feed abruptly ends a few seconds later.]
Sample RP: Faize stood, dusting off the legs of his pants. A hand moved to rest on his rapier. Just the simple knowledge that it was still by his side was enough to make the Eldarian feel at ease, and he smiled just a bit.
Turning to walk away, his boot bumped against something, sending it skidding a couple of feet on the asphalt. Curiosity got the better of him, and he approached it, kneeling to pick it up. " seems to be some sort of communications device. Slightly primitive, but..." He paused for a moment. "... I wonder what planet this is. Could I have been taken to Earth? If I could only find Edge..." A couple of buttons were pressed on the PCD, clicking it on and off and on again, then bringing up a map. "Ah, a map. It is at least useful in some way!"
Faize stood again, pocketing the PCD. Perhaps the strange device could lead him to Edge and the others, if they were even here. Shaking the thought of having been split up, though he still considered it to be of a high probability, Faize began to wander the streets, looking for any sign of his crewmates.