Be welcome to Ice on Black!
This journal is somewhat Semi-Friends Only!.
And... why is that, you might wonder...
Well, since I'm too lazy to actually manage several content-orientated LJs (fanfiction, icon, art, personal...) I've decided to keep it all in a single LiveJournal. So, pretty much fandom comments, general squeeing over the last series that's caught my interest, icon.fanart.fanfic... posts will be open for all visitors. Only those entries of personal character will be kept locked (so you won't be missing much really)
So, in the case you are crazy enough to share my interests or you are very curious about what I might write about and want to be friended, simply click on the comments link and ask me to add you ^^.
If what has pushed you to drop by is the quite improbable chance to find new media material posted, just browse down the entries or click on the ever-useful tags that will take you to the specific-content posts related with your search.
All this said, welcome to IoB and have a nice time!