I saw the fourth movie this Tuesday and there were massive groans at the ending - I wholeheartedly agreed :D My favourite will have to stay the first movie. I think the kiss was the best part of the whole thing - and I don't even ship them :D
I'm glad you had a nice vacation and read lots of fic!
ITA that OUAT has been pretty meh this season. Part of that can be blamed on the appalling Dark Swan arc that really wasn't about Emma at all. But the boring Camelot stuff certainly didn't help, either. Though I do think 5x05 is one of the best episodes of the series, not just the season. Lots of great Regina stuff in that one.
They've been horrible to OQ this season. At least when they were going through all that angst last season, we actually got to see some of it on-screen. This season gives us some kissing and hand-holding but no actual conversations about anything. Hopefully 5B will be better but I doubt anything will come close to 3B :(
I think Regina's supposed to have a good chunk of screen-time in the mid-season finale but IDK how accurate that is. Guess we'll see come Sunday :)
ugh captain swan whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. :( they have been so stupid and boring the last few eps. please why can't hook have died. I think my biggest problem is that i don't even buy that they are a couple. Mulan and Ruby had more chemistry in one episode than the entire series of captain swan.
IDK if I don't buy that they're a couple, but they're a pretty boring couple. They never have any problems. I mean, sure, now they sort of do, but it's still nothing compared to the things ALL the other couples had to deal with :/
Especially the last 3 episodes were super Captain Swan heavy... so heavy that not even I could ignore it *lol* Oh nein! Also, und gerade du kannst die Beiden so gut ignorieren! XD Dann muss es ja echt schlimm sein. :/
But since ep 3 we barely had any Lana scenes, let alone good Outlaw Queen ones. Ich hab eine auf meiner Flist, die shippt die Beiden seit einigen Wochen hardcore und hat auch bei Twitter ordentlich gespamt *lol*. UND DU WARST ES NICHT! XD Das Mädel hat bisher keine Folge gesehen und keine Ahnung worum es geht, aber sie shippt die Beiden. :] :D
Oh nein! Hach, mensch Maus. Wenn du mal wen brauchst, mit dem du haten kannst und dich auskotzen, dann weißte ja wo du anrufen kannst ;) .
Ja, awwww, mich habt ihr ja auch :) . Ich glaube eher nicht. Die kenne ich durch SGA (hab sie auf einer Con kennengelernt) und sie schreibt auch nicht soviele Comments.
Aber ihr LJ war halt voll mit Tanzszenen und all das, das war wohl der Punkt wo sie geflasht war. Ich denke auch durch Gifs bei Tumblr *lach*.
Comments 26
I think the kiss was the best part of the whole thing - and I don't even ship them :D
But at least you were prepared if you had read the books.
I think my favorite is actually the second movie, closely followed by the first.
That's my book order, too *lol* :D
Ahahaha, clearly you have good taste! ;D
ITA that OUAT has been pretty meh this season. Part of that can be blamed on the appalling Dark Swan arc that really wasn't about Emma at all. But the boring Camelot stuff certainly didn't help, either. Though I do think 5x05 is one of the best episodes of the series, not just the season. Lots of great Regina stuff in that one.
They've been horrible to OQ this season. At least when they were going through all that angst last season, we actually got to see some of it on-screen. This season gives us some kissing and hand-holding but no actual conversations about anything. Hopefully 5B will be better but I doubt anything will come close to 3B :(
I think Regina's supposed to have a good chunk of screen-time in the mid-season finale but IDK how accurate that is. Guess we'll see come Sunday :)
Vacations are awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed yours.
I only watched half of the Affair last season. Maybe I should go back and watch the rest, if this season is that good.
Oh nein! Also, und gerade du kannst die Beiden so gut ignorieren! XD Dann muss es ja echt schlimm sein. :/
But since ep 3 we barely had any Lana scenes, let alone good Outlaw Queen ones.
Ich hab eine auf meiner Flist, die shippt die Beiden seit einigen Wochen hardcore und hat auch bei Twitter ordentlich gespamt *lol*. UND DU WARST ES NICHT! XD
Das Mädel hat bisher keine Folge gesehen und keine Ahnung worum es geht, aber sie shippt die Beiden. :] :D
Awww, wie schön. Wir können immer mehr shipper gebrauchen! ;D
Jemand den ich kennen könnte?
Ja, awwww, mich habt ihr ja auch :) .
Ich glaube eher nicht. Die kenne ich durch SGA (hab sie auf einer Con kennengelernt) und sie schreibt auch nicht soviele Comments.
Aber ihr LJ war halt voll mit Tanzszenen und all das, das war wohl der Punkt wo sie geflasht war. Ich denke auch durch Gifs bei Tumblr *lach*.
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