[Private; unhackable]
What a crazy month...
I've finally had a few moments to myself to hunt for apartments. I haven't had much luck so far. Everything has been too small, too far, too expensive, or too dirty... but something has to break soon. I drove by his place It looks so empty It's been three weeks already I wonder how he's I'm sure he's fine he can take care of Once I find something suitable I'm moving out; no more distractions. Otherwise things have been hectic as usual...
As if that trivial faculty
team-building seminar out into the woods wasn't annoying enough, coming back to hear the city had been invaded by
Sharks, Frank's former gang members in our absence was slightly unsettling. It seemed as though someone had made some sort of identification after my
mission in Port Town, and sent the Sharks to try and find us again... and failed miserably. ...Us meaning Char and myself. A very unlikely partnership that was...
I never did hear from my contact again. That's somehow not surprising... just a big fat waste of my time. I gave Char the small fare I gotten out of Frank thinking I would at least get paid by my contact. Not getting paid to do a worthless job for someone I don't even know is very frustrating. I don't know what I was thinking taking that job in the first place... that guy sounds so much like... it couldn't be him
Speaking of Char, I never imagined what it would be like to
fight him. Just last week he seemed to evolve for some reason into a Charizard and went on a rampage. I escaped with only a few minor burns but I can't say the same for Blacky. Oh well. Nevermind I had a few injuries from
the previous day... Nothing that won't heal over time. I still wonder what happened to Char, he doesn't seem to remember a thing.
Blacky mentioned some kind of unnatural energy about him during the encounter. After I find a new place and settle down I should sit down and compile some data
for Olimar... maybe there is a source behind all these... strange transformations here at the school.
Recently, the Headmaster
announced that Dr. Wily and Dr. Light are supposedly teaming up to work on a "new, large scale peace loving robot." I don't think it needs to be said I don't trust it. Perhaps on some obscure chance I'll be proven wrong.
I can't believe Jeff is actually taking a job working the Birdcage. I... shouldn't stop him.
Am I really going to be hitting thirty-five tomorrow? Hn.