"Tagged from Kaishiou"
Just for fun. Anyone can do. Macau's getting cold suddenly since Nov. =_= Unlike Canada which has gradual temperature changes.
Meme #02
01. Post the rules
02. Answer each question truthfully
03. Tag 3-5 people at the end
What was your first cosplay?
BoB Mana. First and only but hopefully not last '_'
Did someone get you into cosplay? Or on your own?
Indirectly, yes. While browsing Neo Geo Freak magazines donkey years back in 1996, I always find the cosplay section intriguing and fun. I wanted very much to do so but din really know how to get about and at that time SG doesn't have any that I know of and internet was really a new thing, dun even thk message boards appeared until 1997 or 1998. Many years passed and I chanced upon Cosfest 05 in SG from a friend who heard of it from dunno where. It was my 1st time witnessing the event in SG and it's pretty interesting. Although I wasn't that passionate about cosplay compared to long ago, but I figured I wanted to at least try one of these days before I grew too old.
What is your favourite cosplay?
errrrrrrrr.......maybe could answer this at another time when I have more.
Which is your least favourite?
errrrrr.........N.A at the moment
At conventions, do people compliment you on your cosplays?
haha..how should I say this.. I din really get to hear it myself since crowds make me dazed and having a wig on me probably will make me faint due to heat. But according to my friend who was beside me most of the time, yes a little girl was telling her mom excitedly "ma, na ge jie jie hen mei lei. " O_o The thing I remembered hearing was a lady asking my friend about where I bought the dress cuz it's nice, that's the part where I could act and I whispered to my friend in the ear and said tell her it's tailored. haha. wierd encounters are from random guys who like nudge each other or one of them who actually walked up to me to shake my hand also dunno for what < _ <. My friend overheard that they are nudging in an attempt to get my HP no. Ha. I'm not sure whether it's true but whatever.
Answering the question, as long as ppl dun eyebleed I would be happy. I am not expecting compliments or am I here to compete or be a showcase. I am here one reason is because can meet friends and look what's happening and the other reason is I want to make up for the lost time that I lost in my youth. I am definitely not here because it's the trend or the "in" thing. A little attention is nice, but that is good enough and should stay that way, nothing more. And dun get me wrong I'm not cocky, just that I tend to be straight and open and ramble alot at times < _ <.
How many have you done?
/dance /emo /slap /random 1111111111111111111. ok . One \ *O_O* / *runs away*
What are the top 5 on your list of "Want to Cosplay"? (As in, upcoming cosplays)
shit..you got me on this one. truth is it's everchanging.. but I can name you 5 but no idea which comes first. BoB Mana pte shoot, BoB Mana Live version, Myaku Kyo, The random wizard from Clover, Gekka / Cavalier D'Eon ( Manga version ). Oh god. Gekka costume was rotting for so long.. < _ <
What female cosplay do you want to do most?
there should be one but I can't recall. but for the sake of making people eyebleed I shall say SHUFFLE! HAHA. Actually I had a random witch designed by Clover, but chances of me doing it is going to be Zero. Actually you got me confused.. Cuz I can't put Mana here =x.
Your most memorable experience? What makes it so memorable?
so far the one and only. Maybe because it's the first time and luckily I did not make ( I believe, forgive me if I do haha ) people eyebleed.
Your dream cosplay?
Perfect BoB in Vicious magazine remake. Rock like Mana BoB live with guitar. Sing both Myaku and Cage as close to perfection as possible in Myaku costume with other cosplayers as my team mates and doing the instruments on stage. Actually all these are far fetched. Fucking far fetched. *shakes head* good god, but it's true I usually think of these.
Is there a pattern in your cosplays? If so, what?
preference..er female characters or donning feminine clothing, crossplay. I like long and elegant dresses. I like cold and expressionless characters or characters that in one way or the other I can relate to which is very important to me. I dun thk I will ever cos generic or very popular characters as in ( in thing now )and especially hype characters ( be it male or female ). I used to like cool guys ( not gay, just stating from a manga reader perspective during the time till maybe the age of 20 - 23 can't remember, later on I prefered honest and humourous male characters )but if I were to cosplay a male I probably would pick a funny one and less cool character or maybe just a sidekick or callafeur. I dun really would choose to cosplay a male image cuz it's not that appealing to me as compared to trying a feminine image. As in machiam not much difference, I been living as a guy for the whole life Zzzzzz. And usually costumes for female image are usually more interesting. I also have a thing for characters stringed with exacting vengeance for a cause which ( need not be right or wrong)but IMO I find resonating. It doesn't really equates that I like characters who were consumed by hatred and vengeance though and whether is good or bad guy. It's the individual's belief and philosophy that attracts me. It's one of the reasons why I prefer Raito to L. Evil characters are ok to me, but they need to have a certain charm or resonance to me before I would want to cos them.
Your most recent cosplay?
er....i thk I shd juz ctl C and ctrl V. I did dress up as BoB Mana for a karaoke session in August. I wasn't totally into character as I was laughing alot and hell, I even sang in my deathly literally "hard to hear" voice. but it's still fun haha.. I say it depends on who you are with.
What do you prefer? Cosplaying in a group or on your own?
I never had a group. I thought it was fun. I was a loner for most of the time in my life and sometimes I wonder maybe cosplaying in a grp is good. But I have my fears and I do not really like to deal with stress. In a grp, you can't really say oh I dun feel like doing liao. Or suddenly I decide to skip because a pimple juz grew overnight. I dun want people to be anal and be too demanding on my standards in a group but neither can I tolerate overly sloppish efforts. I thk at best is to find someone with the same understanding and level. I thk both have their pros and cons but sometimes when I see frds in grp I feel abit sad. haha I'm just wierd I say. haha.
But come to thk of it, unlike most of the friends I get to know of in this community, I dun have that many years left to this hobby. So I really treasure what's going on. And one day it'll be a chapter of the past in my life. Just like Vancouver and Macau ( soon to be, 7 to 9 mths to go? )
tags. silcyn, hara, wod, cruxi, xiao mei.
P.s: HAha just take it even though you may have retired from the scene or not rly cosed. juz for fun. hopefully someone does read this entry.