2.12.1A: the_bigshow

Apr 21, 2008 12:10


There was something wrong with this picture. The small kitten stared up at the big human that was sitting on the couch, his head tilted to the side in about what amounted to the kitten form of a confused frown. The human was in his spot. Not only was it his spot, the human wasn’t even supposed to be here. He was supposed to be somewhere else, wherever it was that he went to every day, but he certainly wasn’t supposed to be here, in the kitten’s spot, taking up the entire couch for that matter. He was officially making the kitten Not Happy, and the kitten needed to find away to put an end to this, ASAP.

He trotted back out into the kitchen, where the other, prettier, nicer human was standing by the stove. She was stirring something that had a smell he didn’t recognize, but smelled rather good. In fact, that was something he wanted to investigate further, but that wasn’t the matter at hand in the moment. This was the matter of the not-nice human being in his spot, and he let out a soft cry up at the nice human, and she sighed, before crouching down to scratch him behind the ears. “Be nice to Eddie, alright sweetie? He can barely keep anything down.”

The kitten didn’t understand what that was supposed to mean to him, and he only continued to sit there, purring and rubbing lightly against her fingers, purring to his hearts content. After a few minutes, he pulled away before trotting back into the living room, looking to see if the thing invading his spot had magically disappeared. Apparently, he was to have no such luck.

This situation needed to be fixed. And it needed to be fixed now.

He made his way over to the couch, and pushed himself up on his paws, crying loudly in the man’s ear. All this earned him was a swat and soft mumble to go away, but the fearless little kitty wasn’t about to be deterred that easily. He would be triumphant. It was only a matter of how.

Making his way over to the back of the coffee table, he hopped up on top of it, and then from there to the arm of the couch closest to the human’s head. He began swatting lightly at the hair poking up at him, which only earned him another grumble and swat, but he managed to dodge that one, moving to the left and up over to the top of the couch. He continued to stare down at the human, trying to figure out how he could get the human out and not get the other human angry with him. He was continuing to work his way along the top of the couch, pondering these things to himself when-oh!



He curled up slowly in the small patch of sun, the human beneath him momentarily forgotten and all he was really worried about being the warm rays of sun streaking through the window and onto his stomach.

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