Well, this is basically one of motto in my life, but not everyone
A few of my friends don't think you should travel much in our age. It's tiring (which doesn't make sense to me)
I don't get it why some people hate traveling. It's terrifying to go by yourself. it's dangerous to go to this countries. Many people said that, my friend for example.
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Comments 26
Also those who's feeling ~insecure~ travelling can just stay in their home, might as well convert their house to jail or sth, idk
YES! ANGKOR WAT GIMANA INI......pengen tapi bingung hahaha
gw mau pindah kerjaan sih jadi ga tau nih, bingung haha.
tempat yang mau gw pindahkan katanya weekend kerja :____)
enak abis! berapa hari? kondisi disana gmn?
Rute gw Jakarta - Ho Chi Minh - Phnom Penh - Siem Reap - Bangkok - Phuket - Jakarta. Sekitar 2 mingguan. Gw ala backpacker jd dr Ho Chi Minh sampe Bangkok naek bis..
So far menyenangkan :) besok pagi will off to Siem Reap.. Am so looking forward to my Angkor Wat trip XD
enak banget dua minggu. naik apa kesana. sekalian tulis nginep dimana ya. bangkok biasa gw nginep di lubd siam square. enak loh! khaosan kan sih emang buat backpacker cuman kemana mana sulit. haha.
ahhhh mau liat angkor wat juga!
gw carikan ya angkor wat :)
But I have got the travel bug as well xD And I am technically working, just as a casual. I just don't want to regret NOT traveling...and then again, I don't really see myself settling down some time either -_-"
You find so much more about yourself when you travel. It's self-discovery too ;)
one of my best friend likes to go abroad but not travelling. She doesn't like to go Temple or ancient place. Its a personal preference but, what its the point of travelling if you only go to Malls?
I really want to have a freelance job or even travelling job. Sadly its a very rare to find in my country.
I really want to have a freelance job or even travelling job <- same here! I mean, I could travel and work as a nurse...but idk. I think for me it's more about the people I'll leave behind & I feel obligated to be here for my parents at the moment. I don't know why.
I think I'd be happy working at a random cafe in Europe or something.
In other words, I still have no idea with what I'm doing with my life....
but I definitely want to travel. Haha.
yeah, my parents is also one of the reason to stay here. But anyway, i'm happy as long as i can go travel :)
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