Edensphere Dream

Jan 18, 2011 00:11

There was no warmth to be found. She huddled with her face in her arms for a long time, just trying to forget all the cold enveloping her.

But something caught her attention - a faint sound, so small and distant she almost didn't catch it. Gradually it got louder, and she recognized the lull of the ocean and the salty scent as she started to rock this way and that. She actually smiled - this was familiar, comfortable, good.

Yet it was still dark - no stars in the sky to guide her anywhere, although it occurred to her she had nowhere she wanted to go. And there was nothing she wanted to see, so the stars were hardly a concern either.

"...uuuu uuurrrRRRRRRRRRRAAAARR!!"

Out of nowhere a gust rushed past her face. No, the whole boat was racing along the water on its own power. She tried to turn her head to look at the back of the boat, finding herself quite shocked by what she saw. There was a large doll-like teddy-bear-slash-lion, and it was roaring with its arms raised in triumph while sporting a straw hat that had fallen over its shoulders, held on by a string. The roar was what was pushing their boat along as it faced away from her. Next to him, facing her, was a teddy-bear-slash-ram sitting on the back edge of the boat and holding a rudder. The ram was also wearing a straw hat, but when it noticed her looking at it, its face broke into a smile. It took off its hat and held it out to her.

Curious, she reached out for the hat, but they suddenly hit a bump, or so she thought. The boat took a nose-dive and they were suddenly plummeting into the ocean. Her gut instinct told her this was not a good thing, for more than just an inability to breathe underwater.

Yet they weren't underwater - instead of feeling that weight all around her, she was falling in open air. Finally able to open her eyes, she noticed that a multitude of objects surrounded her: green & pale purple leaves, gold coins, scrap metal & tools, mandarin oranges, crushed cigarettes, ammo pellets, instrument strings, swords & sheaths, and mortars & pestles emptying out their crushed contents. Even as she fell, she could only smile at it all and murmur to herself, "My, what strange weather." After all, she'd forgotten the cold.

It all started to spiral around her in a whirlwind, aiming her now more horizontally than vertically. It all blurred together until she only saw white - and then she felt the impact. Instinctively, she knew it should've hurt more than it did, but when she sat up she saw why. Beneath her was snow - at least she thought it was. It felt like snow, tasted like snow, smelled like snow, but it was warm to the touch. In fact, she felt comfortable just laying down in the small crater she'd made, burrowing underneath the snow a little bit, and sleeping just like that.

!edensphere - dream

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