Dec 18, 2012 10:47
First Set. 20/100
011) Did Anyone Help You Figure Out How To Ask Me Out On A First Date?
Oh wow! I never ask you out!
I think Melissa helped me ask out Jay the first time. I never really asked anyone out. I think I did sort of coarse N into doing so... is that bad?'
012) Black Or White?
Black. White get's dirty too easily.
013) Did You Ever Get Lost?
All the time! But I think I developed a great sense of direction because of me getting lost.
014) Are You The Same Person You Were As A Child, Or Much Different?
I don't know. As a child I used to be mean. Right now I'm a lot nicer but I do see the childish bad qualities.
015) Hey, Do You Want To Have A Kid?
I do but I don't. Honestly, I am afraid of children and what they can do to the body. I'm also afraid of not having all the sources in order to have a child, like money wise, a healthy relationship with their father, the proper schooling. People just don't "have kids" you raise them. Raising children takes a a lot.
016) Do You Read? Has Any Particular Book Influenced You Or Left A Life-Changing Impact?
I read all the time. I've been stuck on fanfiction for a while but i do pick up the occasional book. This was my reading list for this semester:
American Psycho
Huckleberry Finn
Women on the Edge of Time
Native Son
Birth Matters
Color Purple
Testimony of an Abortion Addict
The Breast Giver
And various Anthologies on Poetry, Hispanic Culture, and Human Controversy discussions.
Pretty much every book is another life and it gives me new perspective.
017) Do You Believe In Destiny?
Somewhat. I want their to be a set path for me in which I do marry someone with a stable job and stable income and I can be a housewife or work a simple job and still be happy.
018) Ever Broken Any Bones?
Not that I know of.
019) Do You Own A House?
No. But my mother owns an apartment building.
020) Have You Ever Stood Up For Someone You Hardly Knew?
I think all the time. I give everyone a chance so I don't like it when people back talk, are rude, or simply mean to someone in front of me.