gen fic for Ikemen Desu Ne, although there is a slight Yaotome/Takimoto
premise happens after Takimoto cut her hair for the role
“You look cuter as a guy.”
“You are so full of tact, Yaotome-san,” Takimoto said rolling her eyes.
“Bullying again Hikaru?” Fujigaya chuckled as he slung an arm over Yaotome’s shoulder.
The latter sputtered and was about to hand out excuses when Tamamori spoke up.
“You only do that to people you like as I remember.”
Blood rushed up to Yaotome’s face. He just wanted the ground to swallow him right then and there especially as he saw a grin slowly appearing on Takimoto’s face.
“Yay!” Takimoto clapped her hands lightly. “My co-stars like me now. I’m so happy. We would be a great team and we’ll make the best show.”
She finished it off with a fist high up in the air.
Fujigaya ruffled Takimoto’s hair as the three guys smiled fondly at her.
Lounge chairs
Tamamori Yuta/Kojima Haruna
Based on the Mio welcoming party scene in the first episode
As soon as the director yelled out cut, Tamamori’s face immediately coloured. Takimoto, off to the end of the couch, could only giggle as Yaotome fought the urge to join Fujigaya in a full guffaw.
Kojima, to his side, smiled politely as she sat up straight. Her perfume wafted through the air and the boy suddenly felt like floating.
This must have been clear on his face because Yaotome and Takimoto both erupted in laughter.
“S-shut up!” Tamamori exclaimed before turning to Kojima apologetically. “Sorry. Stupid idiots.”
“Mm-hmm,” Kojima shook her head. She smiled and Tamamori thought he would be blinded by the shine.
The moment ended when the director clapped his hands and signaled the start of another take.
Tamamori willed himself to calm down and settle for another cross look.
Yaotome Hikaru/Takimoto Miori
Reference: the scene near the end of episode 4 where Takimoto is singing Alone
Takimoto was crying too much as she finished singing the song. As soon as the director said ‘cut,’ the rest of her co-stars burst out laughing in the other room.
The girl stumbled to their side and immediately basked in the treatment given by Tamamori and Fujigaya who were nearest the door. Both idols patted her head and started to console her with soothing words although their chuckles were still very much present.
“Mio-chan, come on. Ren’s not going to hurt you anymore,” Fujigaya said.
Takimoto meanwhile tried to stop her tears but they still flowed. “I’m sorry.”
“What are you sorry for idiot?” Yaotome said as he reached her side. He lifted up her face to wipe her tears away.
The girl sniffled loudly and suddenly wrapped her arms around the boy in front of her.
Yaotome chuckled amusedly as he drew the girl closer.
Yanagisawa looked at Tamamori. “Looks like you only keep the girl on the reel.”
Said boy laughed and shook his head. “I don’t exactly feel like disrupting this. It’s the real deal.”
“Oh, so how about you?” Yanagisawa turned to Fujigaya.
“Just a brother watching over his siblings here,” Fujigaya smiled as he held his hands up.
“I can hear you guys, you know,” came Takimoto’s muffled voice. “And I’m not as airheaded as I portray.”
Another round of laughter erupted as Takimoto peeked at the others.
“Okay, say that when your tears have completely dried up,” Yaotome lightly scolded as he patted Takimoto’s head who was still snuggling in his embrace.
Yaotome Hikaru/Takimoto Miori
Prompt: That interview in which Hikaru stated that whenever Miori had sleeping scenes, she would accidentally fall asleep
Reference: Episode 5 bus scene; Mio is sleeping on Yuuki’s shoulder
“Okay, cut!” the director yelled out. “I’ll go over it once more but this is a wrap for the rest.”
Yaotome nodded as he removed his cap and held it out to the stylist making a beeline towards him. He turned his head only to see Takimoto’s eyes still closed, her breathing even.
The girl moved but only to snuggle closer.
Yaotome slipped his arm around the girl’s waist as he called out again. “Mio~”
Takimoto gave a whimper and nothing else.
“Mio, wake up.”
Yaotome’s other hand reached up to caress Takimoto’s face before pinching her nose lightly.
Takimoto whined loudly as she finally opened her eyes. It took a moment of her blinking to recognize Yaotome’s face so close to hers. Her eyes widened and she jerked back.
Yaotome chuckled. “You fell asleep, didn’t you?”
Blush rose up to the girl’s cheeks as she vehemently shook her head. “No, I didn’t.”
“Okay, okay,” the boy tapped Takimoto’s nose. “You weren’t sleeping. Come on, the director said it’s a wrap.”
Takimoto looked around surprised. She then saw that nearly everything was packed in the scene.
“Oh…um, I guess I did fall asleep.”
Yaotome just laughed as he removed his hand off the Takimoto’s waist and stood up. He waited for the girl to stand up so they could both go down but she surprised him by curling up in the seat and closing her eyes again.
In a move, Yaotome lifted Takimoto up - an arm behind her knees, the other supporting her back.
The actress gave a surprised scream and wound her arms around the idol’s neck. She pouted at the other’s laugh but nevertheless adjusted herself so that her head laid comfortably on his shoulder and a hand grasping the front of his shirt.
Yaotome brought her closer to his chest as he trudged down the bus. He then moved on to the van rented to take them home.
Inside, Takimoto seemed to have fallen asleep again so Yaotome settled himself at the backmost row, making sure the girl was still nestled cozily in his arms.
With some difficulty, he extracted a blanket from his manager’s bag and draped it over the both of them.
He gazed at the sleeping Takimoto, a soft smile etched on his face.
Although there was no one else in the van save for the driver reading a magazine in front, Yaotome first looked around before planting a quick kiss on Takimoto’s cheek.
He then allowed himself to lean back and fall asleep, maintaining his protective hold over the girl in his arms.