I came to update my page, and i'm like WHOAH did i go to the wrong page??!!! cuz Livejournal UPDATE changed.. i duunnno if ne of urs changed but yeah. ^^ i'm posting two images up: ONe is how my LJ updates page look like but its too big so i gonna put the link >.< and another is a banner ESP made for wonderful HISHA!!! (btw happy birthday hish)
BEEYOOTIFUL ISN"T IT? i put effort into it hisha so u better appreciate it!!! and Tanjoubi Ometedou gozaimasu is HAPPY BIRTHDAY in japanese =) isn't it wonderful? =D =D and of course the jap words in the background is
Tanjoubi Ometedou Gozaimasu! (at least i think it is.. it means the same thing! =D)
THe image looiks hella scary but cute ^^ i like the colors too. dude i like that banner. i'l put it on my site =D in a section called :MY GIFTS TO PEOPLES
and now for the NEW lj update -___- i can't get used to it.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v419/miyu12/Untitled-2copy.jpg its too big for LJ posting ^^ it'll look abnormal on this layout. i'm planning to change it anyways.
OMG RICKS TEST TOMOROW I HOPE I GET A >.< I'm so nervous i don't know anything i'm so dumb i'm so stupid i'm so weird >.< i'm so dumb!!! >.< dude i wish i have alexander or ricks retires -______- he's not hard or anything but the articles are so damn hard to understand (some of it)
GOOD NEWS IS: I GOT TWO RIBON MAGAZINES XD XD =D =D =D =D =) =) =) ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ XD XD XD 8D 8D 8D :) :) :) i got arina tanemuras new manga!! YES!!! =D
.. i am weird aren't i?