#22, Last Run.

Mar 31, 2009 19:44


18: Acorn Asyab Cerviel Coralie Danerys Elite Hank Icien Keichan Keiran Proxia Rhiaelle Ried Shikimaru Terek Thitian Thrunce Warbird

HydraHarness  Asyab(free)
WARbody  Danerys(auto)
HydraMittens  Asyab(free)
CORhead  Rhiaelle
BLMhead  Thrunce
RNGbody  Thitian
BLMhead  Coralie
RDMbody  Shikimaru
BSTfeet  Warbird(free)
SMNbody  Cerviel(free)
NINbody  Cerviel(free)
HydraTights  Warbird(auto)
HydraBoots  Coralie(auto)
MNKhead  Coralie(auto)
SAMbody   Thrunce(auto)
BRDbody  Acorn(free)
BLMbody  Keiran

Pretty epic last run.  Thank you everyone who's stuck through and come all this time;  I am very grateful for it.  Thanks for sticking through my constant bitching, calls, -sus, and BRDswaps for 2hours.  I know it can be a pain.  Remember the epic 22AF, no-pearl, /shout for calls Qufim!?  Fun times.  Special thanks to Acorn/Elite/Proxia/Releena/Terek for having some of the best attendance from the start (when we used to enter with 12 and still get 10 AF).

Congratulations everyone who got AF!  (Sorry Prox&Terek, I really wish I could've gotten you your wishitems this last Tav)  This was one of the best experiences ingame I've had.  I will post an AF&attendance summary later.  Saturday will be my last dynamis pulling for BTL and then I'll be joining Apo dynamis (and be able to Einherjar!).  Good luck to lolDynamis/BTL people, hopefully see you around ingame.

PS.  try to enter einherjar and dynamis on time.

Before the numbers; Just read this in LS chat it it perfectly describes how I felt this whole time:

This is why I bitch anytime someone AFKs for more than 3minutes.


and the lootwhore award goes toooooo... Hank with 16 AF!  The stuff in bold is stuff I consider semirare/worthwhile.  That award goes to me with 9!  Then again, it's very opinionated.  Person I feel worst for is Ried; some of the best attendance and only NINhands, sorry. :(

Acorn(13)--PUPbody, RDMhead, DRGbody, WHMbody, PUPhead, DRGhead, SCHbody, DRKlegs-1, SMNbody, RDMbody, Hydra Tights, WHMlegs-1, BRDbody (5)

Alaris(10)--BRDlegs-1, WARlegs-1, CORlegs, BSTbody-1, CORlegs-1, NINhands, SCHbody, DNCbody-1, DNClegs-1, MNKhead (3)

Angron(9)--SAMhead, WARbody, SAMbody, PUPbody, DRGlegs-1, THFback, BLUlegs-1, PUPhead, WARlegs-1

Asyab(9)--SAMhead, SAMhands, SAMwaist, BRDbody-1, NINbody, MNKhead, Hydra Boots, Hydra Harness, Hydra Mittens

Baudan(2)--WARbody, DNCbody

Cerviel(13)--BLMlegs, WARbody, RDMhead, WARlegs-1, PUPbody, BRDbody-1, SAMhead, SMNhead, RNGlegs-1, CORbody, BLMbody, SMNbody, NINbody (5)


Coralie(6)--BRDbody-1, BLMbody, BRDbody, BLMhead, Hydra Boots, MNKhead (2)

Danerys(7)--Hydra Salade, RDMhead, DRGlegs-1, Hydra Haubert, DNClegs-1, DNCbody-1, WARbody (2)

Elira(8)--BLMbody, SAMbody, SAMhead, PUPhead, WHMhands, PUPbody, NINbody, DRGhead (1)

Elite(9)--BLUbody, BLUlegs-1, BLUhead, SMNlegs-1, BLUbody-1, SCHbody, SCHlegs-1, SCHhead, Hydra Beret (8)

Hank(16)--BSTfeet, Hydra Gloves, RDMbody, NINbody, BSThands(x2), Hydra Doublet, RDMlegs-1, PUPbody, RDMbody-1, BSTbody-1, DNCbody-1, THFlegs-1, Hydra Beret, Hydra Brais, SAMbody-1 (7)

Icien(12)--RDMhead, PLDbody, THFhands, BLUlegs-1, PLDlegs, NINfeet-1, WHMwaist, BLMlegs-1, RDMbody, NINlegs-1, Hydra Gloves, Hydra Doublet (9)

Inference(1)--BLMhead (1)

Iorika(10)--MNKhead, RNGlegs-1, THFhands, DRGhead, BRDlegs-1, BRDlegs, RNGfeet-1, NINfeet-1, SAMbody-1, DNClegs-1 (5)


Keichan(3)--PLDbody, RNGwaist, Hydra Spats (2)

Keiran(1)--BLMbody (1)

Kwinn(3)--PLDbody, Hydra Tiara, PLDlegs (1)

Linxer(4)--Hydra Mittens, Hydra Jupon, CORhead, BSThands (1)

Lothan(12)--PUPhead, WARbody, DRKhead, PLDlegs, NINhands, BLUlegs-1, SAMbody, SAMhead, CORbody, BLUbody, CORhead, PUPlegs-1 (5)


Proxia(7)--Hydra Salade, RNGlegs-1, BLMbody, RDMhead, SMNhead, MNKback, WARlegs-1 (4)

Renagade(9)--Hydra Salade, SMNbody, PLDlegs, DRGhands, SMNfeet, SMNback, WARlegs, DNClegs-1, Hydra Cap

Releena(5)--Hydra Brayettes, DRGhands, DNChead, DNCbody-1, BLUhead (2)

Rhalina(6)--Hydra Boots, WHMhands, BLMbody, NINbody, THFhands, PLDlegs (2)

Rhiaelle(7)--PUPhands, CORlegs, PUPbody, WARlegs, RDMhead, WHMbody, CORhead (3)

Ried(1)--NINhands (1)

Sherwin(3)--NINhands, PUPbody, CORlegs-1 (1)

Shikimaru(3)--NINhands, RNGfeet, RDMbody (3)

Shinote(2)--SAMhead, Hydra Harness

Terek(8)--Hydra Doublet, BLMbody, PUPhead, Hydra Hose, SCHwaist, Hydra Beret, Hydra Cap, SCHlegs-1 (5)

Thrunce(7)--BSThands, RDMhead, RNGbody, RNGfeet, WARbody, BLMhead, SAMbody (3)

Thitian(4)--PUPhands, RDMhead, WARbody, RNGbody (1)

Warbird(5)--MNKhead, SAMhead, NINbody, BSTfeet, Hydra Tights

Ypro(4)--BLUlegs-1, BLUhead, BRDbody-1, BRDlegs (1)

Zoot(2)--THFlegs-1, BST feet

I probably messed up somewhere!  but this took a lot of work.  Think I'm done now.



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