George Bush would like you to understand why Roberts is such a good nominee. Therefore, you better understand that he was the captain of his highschool football team. After all, we wouldn't want someone who wasn't a sports star on the court...
This is about Harry Potter and I will cut it because I may give the plot of some of HBP away, but these are my random thoughts an not specifically geared toward book six only.
"We are very strict about ethics within our own company where we have, you know, direct hands, because we really think our company, you know, must have the highest, you know, the highest reputation and standards possible
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What is The ONE Campaign?ONE is a new effort by Americans to rally Americans--ONE by ONE--to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. The ONE Campaign is engaging Americans through a diverse coalition of faith-based
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If I was a bestselling author already making pleanty from my books, I WOULD NOT sell the rights to some movie studio so they could change it and spoil it and give kids a chance to get the story without reading. Movies ruin books, they change them, and they hinder the imagination.
"They put an off button [on] the TV for a reason."
Of course, he was referring to "trash" TV, not government propaganda and such, but looking at this as a general statement, the man is right on. Read a book! (Of course those of you reading the LJ already read.)
Wow. I mean, I always though Ann Coulter was a little (okay, really) nutty. But I trhought she was mostly just someone who disagreeed with me and perhaps not to ethical. And then I read this form the Feburary Progressive
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How to keep yourself from spending forever on the computer when all you intended to do was check something quickly: Stand up. You won't feel like relaxing and surfing for hours.