And which are your favourite brushes when it comes to colouring? I remember you really loving CS5 portable because of a certain brush at first, but I can't seem to find this magical item ;A;!
Also I noticed that your colouring is increasingly warmer these days, what has change in your icon making process/mood?
I browse through different icons from different-makers. I do this for hours on end till I'm suddenly inspired to start photoshop.
Before I had a tablet, I lot of the brushes on CS5 portable helped immensely in colouring hair because of the their differing sensitiveness. I just experimented with the thin, pointy brushes, creating strands of hair with different textures and shapes, using the pen-tool. Now however, I colour in SAI so I just use the default water-brush with changing opacity.
Actually that's mostly because before I start a colouring, now I tend to think about lighting and making it look a little more "skin" like rather than shiny paper. Nothing realistic just a little more plausibility when it comes to skin.
I rarely save icon psd's (only colouring psd's on my PC) so I'll be of more use if I'm asked questions.
And which are your favourite brushes when it comes to colouring? I remember you really loving CS5 portable because of a certain brush at first, but I can't seem to find this magical item ;A;!
Also I noticed that your colouring is increasingly warmer these days, what has change in your icon making process/mood?
Before I had a tablet, I lot of the brushes on CS5 portable helped immensely in colouring hair because of the their differing sensitiveness. I just experimented with the thin, pointy brushes, creating strands of hair with different textures and shapes, using the pen-tool. Now however, I colour in SAI so I just use the default water-brush with changing opacity.
Actually that's mostly because before I start a colouring, now I tend to think about lighting and making it look a little more "skin" like rather than shiny paper. Nothing realistic just a little more plausibility when it comes to skin.
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