Tutorial #17 - Ash and May (Pokemon)

May 31, 2007 18:18

When in doubt, write a Pokemon tutorial...
Requested by jannali in pokemon_icons.

using PS7.

- No selective color, curves, color balance, or any of that nonsense.
- Easily translatable into any program with Exclusion.
- Opacities will vary from picture to picture. Mine are just a guideline.
- Works best with brightly colored images.

1. Prepare your base. This includes screen layers, sharpening, etc. When you're done, merge your layers.

2. Duplicate your base layer. Desaturate it (CTRL + Shift + U in Photoshop, unsure about PSP), Gaussian Blur it (Filter » Blur » Gaussian Blur..., somewhere around 2.0 radius), then set it to Soft Light, 100%. As tempted as you may be to merge the layers now, DON'T!!

3. Make a new layer, fill it with #000050, and set it to Exclusion, 100%.

4. Make another new layer. Fill it with #BCE0FF, and set it to Color Burn (plain old Burn in Paint Shop Pro), 100%.

5. Duplicate your previous layer and change its blending mode to Soft Light.

6. Make yet another new layer. Fill it with #C4B8AE, then set it to Multiply and lower the opacity to around 75%.

7. Duplicate your desaturated blurred layer and drag it to the top of your layer palette. Leave it set to Soft Light.

8. Add a 1 px black border to your icon and set it to Soft Light. Add your text, brushes, whatever, and you're done!

[More Examples]


anime & manga: colouring

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