Okay, so I don't really like the final coloring on this, but some people might, I don't know.
Go from
in PSPX.
Step One: Go to Adjust >> Sharpness >> High-Pass Sharpen. Sharpen works just as well, but I like the High-Pass for some odd reason.
Step Two: First step, curves. Yeah, the dreaded curves. Had to do it, loves.
Pt. 1 - IN: 102 OUT: 95
Pt. 2 - IN: 161 OUT: 192
Pt. 1 - IN: 102 OUT: 111
Pt. 2 - IN: 220 OUT: 192
Pt. 3 - IN: 72 OUT: 52
Pt. 1 - IN: 172 OUT: 170
Pt. 2 - IN: 82 OUT: 85
Pt. 1 - IN: 101 OUT: 85
Pt. 2 - IN: 172 OUT: 201
Set Curves layer to softlight.
Step Three: New raster layer. Fill with #91edff. Set to burn, 34%
Step Four: Layers >> New Adjustment Layer >> Brightness/Contrast
My settings: Brightness: 8 Contrast: 11
Step Five: New raster layer. Fill with #000940. Set to exclusion, 46%
Step Six: New raster layer. Fill with #fff59d. Set to multiply, 42%
Step Seven: Layers >> New Adjustment Layer >> Hue/Saturation
My settings: Hue: 15 Saturation: 8 Lightness: 2
Step Eight: Layers >> New Adjustment Layer >> Levels
My Settings: Input Levels: 0, 0.88, 255, Output Levels: 0, 255
Step Nine: New raster layer. Take a round brush, size 200. Choose the color #18317e. Click anywhere on your image that it's dark. I always choose hair parts, as show below. Set to Lighten.
From here, you can add text, brushes, whatever you please. The brush I used was made by
lorien_maiden. This was my final result: