So... recently I started experimenting with textures and I would like some opinions on the results. All of them had been entered in icontests so to some extend I already had feedback on how they were received, but I'd like a bit more detail about how I could improve.
And there's a last icon I want feedback on... it got me eliminated to both my and the Mod's surprise (as she told me when she gave me my comments) and out of the 6 comments there's only one (outright) useful one (about not being neat enough with blending and the image being under contrasted)... the rest simply "complain" about the colouring (dull, pale, needs more colour) and one even said it look unfinished but not why it seemed like it.
So I'm not sure where I should go with that or how much faith to put into the comments since I thought the colouring was good the way it was. Anyway, it was a blending challenge and this is what I entered: