Challenge 13: Amends

Dec 07, 2010 21:32

Okay, so this challenge will deal with holiday episodes of Buffy. We will have 2 parts to this challenge, just like the others, but each part will have a different episode of Buffy. The first part will showcase the Season 3 episode: Amends while Part B will showcase the Season 4 episode: Pangs.  Use the offered caps, or find your own of these two episodes only.  Please separate your entries into their different parts.  Thank you.  :)

Rules for both sections:
--You can submit up to 4 icons (for each section).
--Make sure it fits LJ's standards (100x100, no more than 40kb)
--Icons must be new for this challenge
--use caps from only the selected episodes
--Don't post icons anywhere until winners are announced.
--You may use images more than once, but icons need to be cropped and colored differently
--No Animation.
--Texture, blending of pictures, text are allowed.
--Icons are due Jan 7th 2011 after 8pm CST. We are switching to Friday due dates.
--Please post all of your submissions into ONE entry (you can edit others in if needed)
--When submitting your icons, please post a comment in this entry, with the image (img src format) and URL

Part A: Amends


Happy Iconing!

Remember, Icons aren't due until after the New Year to give us all a break. Please don't wait until the last minute however. Have a great holiday!! I'll be here posting reminders and hope to have those banners for challenge 12 up soon.

challenge 13

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