Photoshop Icon Tutorial

Jun 24, 2009 17:13

Tutorial requested by

Includes Levels Adjustment Layers and Image Adjustments

I regret that I don't remember all the settings I used for this icon but I would encourage you to play around with your image to get the effect you want. Chances are my settings would not have been 100% suited to your image anyway. Where I do have the settings I have included them.

I started off with this texture:

It's actually one of my own that has been tweaked a bit, the original set is HERE. I'm afraid I can't remember for the life of me what changes I made but if you'd like to use it feel free to grab it!

Next I tweaked the colours a bit. Depending on what you think about the starting texture you may not want to do this bit, but I wanted a softer lighter look.

New layer fill colour FAE5E5:

 >> soft light >>

New layer fill colour E5F7FA:

 >> multiply >>

Next a new adjustment levels layer to make it a bit paler at these settings:

To give:

Perfect! Now to add Eeyore from this original pic.

I shrunk him down and cut round him using the eraser tool. I know lots of people use various tools which are quicker, but I find that using the eraser tool at different sizes does the trick. I always duplicate the layer before starting to erase in case something goes wrong. If you know how you can also use layer masks to do this step.

 >> after erasing >>

Hmmm, poor Eeyore is looking quite harsh against the soft background so I duplicated him and tweaked the duplicate using Image>Adjustment>Levels to make him look like this:

I then set this layer to soft light:

Awwwww, so cute! But I wanted to soften it up just a bit more, so I duplicated the original Eeyore and guassian blurred him slightly. I believe I also changed his levels to make him a little brighter:

 >> soft light >> 

Now to make the icon come together I created a new fill layer colour 080120:

 >> exclusion >> 

Next to add a little bit of subtle contrast I created a pink blob of doom:

 >> screen >> 

Finally, if you want, you can give Eeyore something to sit on using a brush or shape tool in white:

And finally here are all the layers:

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