For some time I’ve seen people scramble to collect background textures. I’d like to present a tutorial for easy background textures. The references are for Photoshop but should be applicable to most graphics programs.
It’s a long tutorial but actually quite easy.
First create a 100x100 72dpi file. The black border is mine and only there to show the outline of the file. Do not make the black border.
Choose the gradient tool and switch the mode to Difference. This is to allow you to place multiple gradients on the same layer.
Now draw the first gradients…
And another gradient…
And another…
And another… See how the texture is bulding up.
And another…
And another…
And another… I promise, just a few more.
And another…
And finally the last gradient.
Hmmmm, got some interesting textures and shapes. But I’m still not satisfied yet. I think it needs some other effects.
At the bottom of the layers palette is the “Layer Effects button” (the small cursive f). Pressing it will bring up the effects palette. I’m going to add a “Gradient overlay”. For this tutorial I choose the Copper gradient in Photoshop. The gradients you have installed on your system may be different. Pick one that you think looks nice.
When you hit “OK” you’ll get this…
I added a new layer on top and filled it with white. Then I ran the Filter, “Add Noise”. I made sure to uncheck the checkbox “Monochrome” because I want the color this time. I then messed with the sliders until I got good, but not too much, coverage. Your dots may vary.
I changed the Blend Mode of the Noise layer to “Soft Light”. It now appears that the dots of color are imprinted on the texture. But I think it still looks to harsh.
I ran a Glaussian Blur over the noisy dots in order to soften the look. That’s what I was going for.
Now you’ve got an interesting texture.
But you say, “I don’t like the copper color. I want red”. Well you could go back to the Layer Effects at the bottom of the Layer Palette; click off Gradient Overlay; click on Color Overlay; and change the mode of the Color Overlay to Soft Light.
There’s no end to the textures that can be created in a few quick steps.