Icon Tutorial PS7
I started out with
this picture.I cropped and sharpend it.
Duplicate your base 2 times.Set both to screen.Desturate the 2nd one ( third pic on your list ).Change the Opacity on your first screened pic to 100 % and the desturated one to 25 %
Now the coloring.Add this gradient and set it to Lighten 100 %
Add this Gradient and set it to Screen 100 %
Again add this nice Gradient lol and set the Blending Mode to Color Burn at 47 %
Make a new Layer on top of everything fill it with # 00041E set to Linear Dodge at 100 %
Again a new layer fill it with the same color set he Blende Mode to Exclusion
And one more Gradient lol ( the last one ) set the blending mode to Multiply at 100 %
Now add a border/brushes etc. anything you like.My icon looks like this so far
Now copy everything in a new docoument.Duplicate the layer and go to Image -> Adjustments -> Levels Setting :
RGB | Input Levels 0 , 0,88 , 255 Output Levels 0 , 176
Red | Input Levels 0 , 1,03 , 255 Output Levels 0 , 255
Green | Input Levels 0 , 1,02 , 255 Output Levels 0 , 255
Blue | Input Levels 0 , 1,04 , 255 Output Levels 0 , 235
After you're done with that set the pic to Hard Light 100 %
Now go back to your first base layer ( 1 ) copy it at the top of the Levels Layer.Set the Blending Mode to Screen 100 %. I duplicated it again and changed the Opacity to 70 % but it depends on the darkness of your picture.
That's all :D