TUTORIAL: Scratchy Film Lines for your Icons (PS 7.0, IR 7.0) w/pics

Mar 07, 2004 16:02

This is a long, complicated tutorial. I assumed that you knew only the BASICS of icon making. Most of you know more, but there is always a tiny section. Uhm, there is a mini-tutorial within the bigger tutorial. Lots of pictures. Hope this helps.

1. Create a New Document, 1 x 100 pixels (width = 1, height = 100, 72 pixels/inch).

2. Magnify the picture twice (this step isn't necessary, but it is helpful). Click the fill bucket and fill the line with whatever colour you'd like. (However, for a more antique look, I'd go for black.)

3. At this point, you can zoom the line back to its original size. Go to Filter --> Noise --> Add Noise. I use Gaussian at 66.5, but it's really your choice. *IMPORTANT* Check the box next to Monochromatic. The line won't be scratchy enough if you don't.

4. Save the line as a .psd.

5. Open the icon you want to use. (Voila, Monsieur Dominic Monaghan.)

6. Save your icon as a .psd. (Trust me on this.) Whatever you save it as, add a one (1) to the end of it.

7. Create three NEW documents, 100 x 100, 72 pixels/inch.

8. Go to your original icon (which you will notice, is named dom1.psd). Press Ctrl A (which selects the whole picture), then Ctrl C (which copies the document fully).

9. In one of the new, untitled 100 x 100 documents, press Ctrl V (which pastes the icon into the new one). In the layers tool-bar, you will see two distinct layers.

10. Go to Layers --> Flatten Image.

11. Repeat steps #9 and #10 twice more, for each of the blank documents. Voila, four exact copies of the same icon.

12. *a little side tut*If you want a little border around your icon, for each of the four pictures, press Ctrl A, and go to Edit --> Stroke --> 1 px black, center.

13. Save each of the images as a .psd in succession. (So, for my tutorial, I have saved the documents as dom1.psd, dom2.psd, etc.)

14. Return to your neglected line (named scratchline.psd for the tutorial). Press Ctrl A, then Ctrl C.

15. Return to your first icon, and press Ctrl V (which pastes the line onto the image.)

16. *IMPORTANT* Go to the layers toolbar, and make sure Layer 1 is selected. Go to the drop down menu that says normal and choose "Overlay".

17. Use the move arrow to move the line wherever you please.

18. Repeat steps #15-#17.

*(Even though you can't see the lines, they're there.)*

19. Save the icon.

20. Repeat steps #15-#19 for each of the icons.

21. Open ImageReady and open each of the four icons.

22. Go to your second icon, and at the toolbar at the bottom, click on the small blue arrow in the circle. Choose "Copy Frame".

23. Return to your first icon, click on the same blue arrow and choose "paste frame". Make sure that the radio button next to "Paste After Selection" is chosen.

24. Repeate steps #22 and #23 for each of the other icons. Return to the first picture, and you will se that there are four frames in the animation toolbar.

25. On the icon, click the "optimized" tab. It will tell you the size of your icon (make sure it's under 40K).

26. *IMPORTANT* Go to File --> SAVE OPTIMIZED AS... Save your file.

This is what the end result looks like. Voila!

animation: mini movies, program: photoshop, animation: miscellaneous, tutorial: animation, animation: animated gifs, program: imageready

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