I'm not exactly sure if it's actually #6, but oh well.
For PS 7 users, but may be translatable.
All of the credits are listed at the end of the tut. Feel free to modify to fit your image. Please don't copy the tut or any images and claim as yours. Show me what you make! If you use my icon, credit to
http://www.distilled-spirits.net/evenstar (The Light of the Evenstar)
1.) Start with your base. Sharpen once. (Filter>Sharpen>Sharpen).
2.) Duplicate your base. Desaturate (Image>Adjustments>Desaturate) Set this layer to Screen (Opacity=100%).
3.) Next is this texture:
set to Overlay, Opacity=70%.
4.) Use this gradient:
. Set it to Hue, opacity=100%.
5.) Next up is a light texture, this one:
. Set it Screen, Opacity=100%.
6.) Now we get to add a brush! Apply this brush:
in white. (I had to apply it two times over so it didn't go see-through, but depending on your picture...)
7.) TEXT!!! Apply the text where the brush was (that's what it's for). Here are my settings:
Font: Miss Brooks
Color: #000000 (black)
Size: 14 pt
Text: Fading Star (you can choose what you like, of course)
8.) Now, the last step is to apply a 1px black border. Then you're done! Can you believe it? :-D
Arwen-Undomiel.comGradient: Me
Moonlight Light Texture:
MoonlightBrush: Unknown. If you know the maker, please tell me!