Allright, here's my second tutorial ever, one that's not Lost, House or Harry Potter. Egad!
Today we'll be going from to
Made in PSP9, but easily translated.
First we have this , cropped from a still
at this site. Sharpen (adjust>>sharpness>>sharpen) as necessary (once for me). I then did a small curves adjustment (layers>>new adjustment layer>>curves). My settings were:
Input: 138
Output: 163
But this may change to suit your image.
Merge all layers. (layers>>merge...>>flatten)
We're now working with this:
Duplicate your base (layers>>duplicate) twice.
First layer, desaturate (shift + h ), second layer on softlight. Both 100%.
Now paste this layer:
Softlight, Opacity %20.
And then this layer:
Softlight, 40%
We're now at this:
Now paste this:
Multiply, 26%
and this:
Exclusion, 26%
We're now at:
Finally, duplicate the base, bring 'er to the top, and set it at Softlight 54% for
The distinction isn't the most apparent, but...
Then it's just a matter of adding brushes.
Add this number:
amethystia. I duplicated it twice to darken it.
And, finally, this border by
sanami276 (Modified slightly from the originial, just made it a bit longer to suit the image).
And, we end with .
I hope this was helpful somewhat and at least easy to follow!