Woohoo, my first icon tutorial!
Using Photoshop 7.
this to this
I did a search on Google Images for "Chanel Sunglasses" and chose this one, becaue it was one of about two that had a person in the picture. Plus, I really like her bangles.
So first we use crop to get just the womans face and a piece of her arm.
Use blur at about 20%, size 9 on all visible skin (except lips, ear and nose).
Use sharpen tool at 30% size 3 on her lips and hair.
And we end up with these nicely framed glasses.
Now copy that layer (ctrl+J), desaturate it (Image -> Adjustments -> Desaturate) and set it to Hard Light.
Hard Light, Pin Light, Overlay - all of these can be easily set from this drop down menu on the bottom right of your screen:
Click the arrow beside 'Normal' and they're all in there.
: It will look like this on its own.
: And this when on top of the first layer.
Now you need to choose your reflection. Again, I used Google Images, and got this nice night sky type thing.
Lights of some description will be easier than faces, trees, landscapes or the like, simply because you don't need to bend or shape them to make them look right on the glasses.
So paste your light texture onto a new layer (new layer shortcut = ctrl+shift+n) and go to Edit -> Transform -> Scale, and catch the corner of your image until it's the right size for your icon. Mine was about the same width as the icon, but the height was much smaller because her glasses are only on one piece.
Now set that layer to Overlay for a moment, and get your eraser tool. First erase all around the eye part of the glasses (the ear piece doesn't matter).
Now set your layer back to Normal and erase everything EXCEPT the part on the glasses.
i.e. - Erase the bit in the red arrow but NOT the yellow arrow!
Now she's got some really weird-ass glasses:
But you're going to set the layer to Pin Light. (I also fooled around with variations, as you can see: Image -> Adjustments -> Variations)
And then you're going to Image -> Adjustments -> Desaturate
And then you're going to sit back and admire the fabulous job you've done!
Good luck, and I'd love to see anything you come up with. :)