How to go from
this to
Cut your image down to 100x100. Sharpen.
Duplicate layer and Image -> Adjustments -> Desaturate
Set this layer to Screen 100%
Add new layer filled with #00022B
Set to Exclusion 80 %
Add new layer filled with #E4B4FF
Set to Hard Light 14%
Add a new layer filled with #FFE8B6
Set to Multiply 100%
this gradient (not sure who by, sorry!) and set to Soft Light 63%
Add some text. I've used a quote and some tiny text.
this gradient (again, not sure who by!) and set to Lighten 36%
Use the Regtangular marquee to select the whole icon.
Edit -> Copy Merged -> Paste
Set to Soft Light 50%
Just to make it a tad better:
Regtangular marquee to select image.
Edit -> Copy Merged -> Paste
Edit -> Stroke
My settings were:
I really hope this was helpful! Feedback would be great and I'd love to see what you guys get from this.
This is my first tutorial so I'd love to know what you all thought of it.