Go from
this to
01. Prep the base. Crop and sharpen (use unsharp mask if you can, settings: Amount - 50%, Radius - 2.0 pixels, Threshold - 5 levels). Duplicate the base and set to multiply at 100%. Duplicate the base again, don't drag to the top, leave it where it is, in the middle of your multiply layer and your base and set to screen at 100%. It is likely that this won't be enough to lighten your base, so duplicate the screen layer as many times as it takes to get something that looks like this:
Your layer palette should look like this (standard naming is background copy 1 etc.):
Merge layers and this will become our base.
02. Duplicate the base and set to screen at 100%.
03. Duplicate the base again and drag to the top, set to color dodge, 10%.
04. Duplicate the base a third time, drag to the top and set to color burn at 20%.
05. New color/raster layer, fill with # 171379
set to exclusion at 40%.
06. New color/raster layer, fill with # B6F5F9
set to color burn at 100%.
07. Layers > New Adjustment Layer >> Curves...
For those of you who are lazy, just
download the .acv file and load it into photoshop.
For the rest of you:
RGB Channel:
Leave alone.
Red Channel:
1st point - input: 102 output: 93
2nd point - input: 150 output: 170
Green Channel:
input: 134 output 168
Blue Channel:
input: 121 output: 93
Leave this layer set to normal at 100%.
08. Layers > New Adjustment Layer >> Brightness/Contrast...
Settings - Brightness: -16 Contrast +24
Leave this layer set to normal at 100%.
09. Add any text, I used
Visitor TT1 BRK downloadable from
Da Font set to 12 pt in # FFFFFF.
10. Check your layer palette looks like this:
Merge all and you're done.
Other icons made with this technique: