Written in Paint Shop Pro 8.
But should be easy translatable for other versions and PS.
Other examples made by using this technique:
Step 1
First start sharpen your image. (if needed)
Step 2
Duplicate base layer and set blend mode to "Screen" 100%. Duplicate again and set opacity to 50%. This depends on your image. If it's light enough, you don't need to duplicate again.
Step 3
Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation/Lightness (Shift + H) and set Saturation to +50. Leave Hue and Lightness on 0.
Step 4
Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Curves, and use these settings: (You can play a little bit with the numbers to get your fine result)
Now go to "General" (blue circled in the Curves Help Picture above) and set blend mode to "Soft Light" 100%.
Step 5
Copy and paste the image below as a new layer.
Set blend mode to "Exclusion" 30%
Step 6
Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness/Contrast.
Set Brightness to 0 and Contrast to 20.
That's it !
Other examples made by using this technique