How to go from
this to this
using Photoshop CS2 (may be translatable).
This was a question asked in Icon Tutorial about removing the redness from this image. I thought it would be useful for everyone to see, so I present a tutorial.
1. We start off with our image.
As you can see, it’s rather red and a little blurry.
2. Go to Filters -> Noise -> Reduce noise.
I set the strength quite high, the preserve details quite low and the reduce color noise and sharpen details all the way up.
3. Go to Image -> Adjustments -> Auto Color
4. Go to Image -> Adjustments -> Selective Color.
I set the red to +75, -35, -35, +40; the yellow to -20, -55, -55, +25; and the neutrals to +20, -35, -40, +35. Really the best thing to do is to play around with it and see what you like best.
5. Go to Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur and set it to 0.6. This removes some of the graininess.
6. Go to Filter -> Sharpen -> Sharpen and sharpen the image twice.
7. I then decided that her features weren’t defined enough for my liking. I took the sharpen tool and sharpened her eyes, nose, mouth and parts of her hair. Then I used the blur tool and smoothed her cheeks.
It's a bit of a crappy picture (especially with the redness) so it required a lot of messing around, and the colour still isn't fantastic, though it is better.
To make this into an icon:
8. I resized to 150x200 then cropped to 100x100. I then sharpened once.
9. Using a brush from Ewanism, I added a layer mask.
10. I then added the word ‘sing!’ in Ma Sexy, size 24. I went to Layer -> Layer Style and added a Bevel and Emboss and a Drop Shadow to the text.
11. Finally I added a 1 pixel border in white.
Voila! All done!
Please don’t use this icon as I don’t know that the picture was allowed to be used. I only made it into an icon so it could be posted at icon_tutorial.