going from
in PS CS
uses Selective Coloring
1. Since the image is a bit too dark, I duplicate it and and set to Screen 100 % - this depends on the
original lightness of the image, you can set down the opacity of the Screen layer or leave it out.
2. The orange-ish look of the image disturbs me, so I make a new Color balance layer and have this settings
(remember, these are OPTIONAL):
Cyan-Red: -44
3. I want to add more depth to the image and make it just a bit darker, so I add a new Brighntess/Contrast
layer and have this settings:
Brightness: -4
Contrast: +20
4. Now I want to manage the coloring of the image - I want to have a green/blue-ish effect. So I add a new
Selective Coloring layer and have this settings (and again, remember - it depends on the image, just play
around with it):
Cyan: -100
Yellow: -47
Cyan: -78
Yellow: -69
Cyan: +36
Magenta: -29
Yellow: -29
5. To add a bit more colour and depth to the icon, I make a Hue/Sat layer and set the saturation to +30.
6. The final step is brightening the image a bit. New adjustment layer --> Levels. The settings:
7 l 1,30 l 255