( + Extra Result)
Tutorial #1. Should be able to be used for all programs.
+++ EASY TUT +++
NOTE: This isn't the exact tutorial because I deleted the file, but someone asked for a tut. so I did the best I could.
Step 1. Duplicate Base. Gaussian Blur. Hard Light 86% (I did this because the orginal image was kinda low quality)
2. I flipped this texture and used it on screen.
found on
wicked_avis 3. I merged all and made a new layer. Filled with 1D3A67 and used exlusion on someware around 86%.
4. I used this texture on.... overlay... I think. It might have been hardlight.
made by ??? credit to whoever made it
5. I added a border and some text. The small text was created by
wicked_avis too, I think.
Other things made with this tutorials style