Going From
For Photoshop only (sorry PSP-ers)
Goto Variations >> Lighter 3x >> More Red Once
Add a new Selective Color Layer
Reds: -100//30//25//15
Yellows: -100//0//25//-30
Whites: -30//0//30//-50
Neutrals: 50//15//-15//-30
Blacks: 0//0//0//15
And you're done!
Add a new fill layer with: 68b6ff at Soft Light
Duplicate that and set that to Colour Burn - 20%
Add a new Selective Color Layer with these settings:
Reds: -100//0//100//30
Yellows: -100//0//100//27
Whites: 0//0//0//-100
Neutrals: -30//20//15//-20
Add a new Selective Color Layer:
Reds: -100//0//100//30
Yellows: -100//50//100//64
Neutrals: 20//0//0//0
Add a new fill layer with: 9dffc9 at Saturation - 30%
Add a new fill layer with ff9b9b Soft Light
Add a new Selective Color Layer:
Reds: -100//0//100//0
Yellows: -100//0//-100//0
Cyans: 100//100//-100//100
Whites: -30//-30//-100//-50
Neutrals: 100//30//-20//-30
Add a new Selective Color Layer
Neutrals: 100//-20//-20//45
Add a new fill layer: 76c462 Soft Light
Add a new Selective Color Layer:
Reds: -100//0//100//30
Yellows: -100//0//-12//0
Whites: -100//-30//-50//-100
Neutrals: 20//15//-20//-13
Add a new Selective Color Layer:
Reds: -100//0//100//0
Yellows: -100//0//-30//0
Neutrals: 30//30//-20//-15
Add a New Color Balance Layer:
Midtones: -60//-30//-51
Add a new Selective Color Layer:
Reds: -100//0//0//0
Blacks: 0//0//0//100