Tutorial 1 ft. Ashley Olsen

Feb 28, 2007 16:04


Well, I've never actually written a tutorial, but I've read alot so I hope I'm doing this right! It includes selective coloring and curves, so I don't think it's translatable. Worth a try, though. ;)

Credit for the first 3 steps goes to mizzybox, although I slightly edited the settings and added all the steps following after number 3.
You don't have to stick with anything, these are just guidelines. If you add some changes to make your icon turn out better that's ok, ofcourse. After all it's your icon! If you take the finished icon with Ashley olsen, please credit. If you made an icon using my tutorial, I would love to see the result, and in that case credit is appreciated, not required. Let's get started!

1. First things first. Crop your base and do whatever it is you usually start out with. You might want to sharpen eyes and mouth a bit.

2. Go to Layer » New Adjustment Layer » Selective Coloring, and make sure your settings are like this:

Reds: -100 / +40 / +100 / -35
Yellows: -100 / 0 / -40 / -25
Neutrals: +10 / -25 / -25 / -30

Set the opacity of this layer to 50%.

3. Add another selective coloring layer, but now make sure your settings are like this:

Reds: -100 / 0 / +100 / 0
Yellows: +40 / -40 / -100 / +40
Neutrals: +20 / +5 / -15 / -20

Set the opacity of this layer to 100%.

4. Add a Hue/Saturation/Lightness layer by selecting Layer » New Adjustment Layer » Hue/Saturation/Lightness, and define the settings below:

Master: 0 / +10 / 0

Set the opacity of this layer to 100%.

5. Add another Hue/Saturation/Lightness layer and adjust as shown below:

Master: 0 / +25 / 0
Reds: -3 / +5 / 0
Yellows: +15 / -55 / +40
Cyans: +5 / +20 / 0
Blues: 0 / +65 / 0
Magentas: -45 / +15 / -10

Set the opacity of this layer to 65%.

6. Now, here's the annoying and difficult part. Curves! Find Layer » New Adjustment Layer » Curves. If it doesn't look very well on your icon, adjust these settings as you want. Making this icon of Ashley, I set mine like this:

First point:     Input: 85
                    Output: 55
Second point:     Input: 180
                         Output: 130
Third point:     Input: 200
                     Output: 180

First point:     Input: 50
                    Output: 70
Second point:     Input: 130
                         Output: 145
Third point:     Input: 195
                     Output: 205

First point:     Input: 100
                    Output: 65
Second point:     Input: 190
                         Output: 220

Set the opacity of this layer to 100%.

7. Now duplicate the selective color layer from step 2, and drag it to the top of all layers. Set the opacity to 20%.

8. Repeat step 7, only now set the opacity to 100%.

We're done! If you had any profit out of this tutorial, please let me know. Also, I would love to see the results! :)
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