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using Photoshop CS3: contains selective coloring and curves
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I haven't done any tutorials before and I'm sure most people find it difficult to work with Supernatural caps so I hope this tutorial helps!
01. Choose your picture. It doesn't have to be a Supernatural cap, but I'm just using one because that is what I started with. This coloring also works with many other pictures, but you may have to tweak the settings to fit your picture.
This is mine:
02. Create a levels layer with these settings.
RGB: 0 1.34 235
03. Create a new selective color layer with these settings:
Reds: -99 -2 100 0
Yellows: -100 0 100 0
Neutrals: -18 0 14 0
04. Create another selective color layer:
Reds: -100 0 14 0
Yellows: -72 0 60 0
Whites: 0 0 37 -13
Neutrals: -7 0 0 -4
05. New adjustment layer- Hue/Saturation (you may need to change the settings to fit your picture):
Master: 7 17 0
Reds: -3 6 0
Yellows: 0 -88 0
Cyans: 0 100 0
Blues: 0 86 0
Magentas: 0 -54 0
06. New selective color layer:
Reds: 73 0 13 0
Yellows: -71 0 -66 0
Neutrals: -23 -24 -29 18
07. New selective color layer (sorry about the abundance of these):
Reds: 75 0 5 0
Yellows: 100 0 -36 0
Cyans: 100 0 0 100
Whites: 39 0 0 0
Neutrals: 31 -4 -18 -3
08. New curves layer:
point 1: O:54 I:50
point 2: O:142 I:111
point 1: O:129 I:119
09. Last step, open a new levels layer:
RGB: 0 1.00 234
And you're done! I really hope this is helpful.