My first tutorial!
Made in PS CS - not translatable (Selective colouring)
Stuff you need to know before making:
1.This tutorial wasn’t totally made by me; I found it somewhere quite a while ago (but I can’t remember who by. Sorry! If it’s yours, tell me :D)
2. This doesn’t work on ALL images, since it’s quite selective colour and saturation heavy.
3. Enjoy!!
1. Screen your picture (you can change the opacity when you’re done)
2.Next add a hue/saturation layer (image>adjustments>hue saturation) This really depends on what kind of picture you’re using; when we have added the selective colouring layer you might want to lower it a bit because you get those nasty over-saturated bits. I normally set mine to 20.
3.Then you add a colour layer #FFFC00 and set to soft light. I know it looks strange, but it will get better :D
4. Next is a selective colouring layer! (Layer>New adjustment layer>Selective colour)
(I know, I hate typing all the numbers in too; but it gives a unique effect)
Cyan: -100
Magenta: 0
Yellow: +100
Black: +100
Cyan: -23
Magenta: 0
Yellow: -20
Black: 0
Cyan: +67
Magenta: -19
Yellow: -80
Black: +13
5. More selective colouring! (Layer>New adjustment layer>Selective colour)
Cyan: -100
Magenta: 0
Yellow: 0
Black: 0
Cyan: 0
Magenta: 0
Yellow: -64
Black: 0
Cyan: 0
Magenta: 0
Yellow: 0
Black: 15
6. Annnd… We’re done! Now is the time for jiggling around all of the components and stuff to suit your image. I hope it worked for you :) If you have any trouble at all, just ask.
Other icons made with a similar colouring:
Please show me your results & comment :D
Oh and feel free to friend me, I wont bite :D
First time i've done this so i hope it works:
PSD File