3 new tutorials under the cut!
Learn how to get these 3 colorings;
All made in PSP X! (Which means no selective coloring!)
Tutorial 1
1) Pick your base and do whatever you need to do to prepare it.
(I sharpened mine just a tiny bit.)
2) New curves layer - RGB: 125, 145
3) New raster layer, #d6bfac set to Soft Light 45
4) New raster layer, #390506 set to Exclusion 50
5) New raster layer, #5d6f5b set to Exclusion 20
6) New raster layer, #dc7938 set to Burn 20
7) Colorbalance - Midtones: 25, 2, -16 || Highlights: -35, 0, 50
Tutorial 2
1) Take your base, prepare it, do whatever you normally do.
2) New curves layer, RGB: 107, 150 || Green: 55, 70 || Blue: first pt. -108, 138
Second pt. - 39, 79
3) Next copy merged and place on top, leave this set to normal. (Or you merge all)
Duplicate merged image and set to Soft Light (It sometimes looks better if you use the original base)
4) New raster layer, #31221d set to Exclusion 100
5) Duplicate base, drag to top, set to Soft Light
6) New Channel Mixer layer, Red: 82, 3 || Green -10, 105 || Blue: 10,-1, 107,-3
7) New raster layer, fill with #31221d set to Overlay 100
8) Duplicate Overlay layer, set to 40
9) Duplicate base, bring to top set to screen somewhere between 30 and 80
10) New fill layer, #B89674 set to Soft Light 40
11) New fill layer, fill with #ADC3CF
Tutorial 3
1) Crop and prepare your base.
2) Duplicate base, set to Soft Light 100
3) Duplicate base again, desaturate and set to Soft Light 100
4) New Adjustment layer, Brightness and Contrast - Brightness: -14 || Contrast: -16
5) New Adjustment layer, Channel Mixer, Red: 87, 10, -15 || Green: 8, 80, 8 ||
Blue: 12, 35, 76, -14
6) New fill layer, #45292b set to Exclusion 40
7) New fill layer, #e0cb78 set to Soft Light 100
8) Duplicate base, drag to top set to Soft Light
9) Repeat Step #8
10) New curves layer, RGB: First pt. 138, 164 - Second pt. 73, 117 || Red: 129, 142 || Green: First Pt. 188, 185 - Second pt. 129, 133 - Third Point. 79, 80 || Blue: First pt. -200, 197 - Second Pt. 122, 150 - Third pt. 33, 85 || Set this to Normal 66
11) Duplicate base, bring to top and set to Soft Light 30
12) Duplicate Channel Mixer layer (Step 5) bring to top and set to Normal 45