My first 2 icontutorials for LJ:
-involve selective coloring
-made in Photoshop CS2
1. Open your base. If your image is too dark than duplicate it and set to screen.
2. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue & Saturation
set Saturation to +10
3. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color
Put in these settings:
Reds: -100 / 0 / +100 / +10
Yellows: -100 / +10 / -40 / 0
Cyans: +100 / 0 / 0 /0
Blues: +100 / 0 / -25 / 0
Neutrals: +40 / +5 / -12 / -20
Blacks: 0 / 0 / 0 / +8
4. Then, make another selective coloring layer
Put in these settings:
Reds: -100 / +10 / +100 / +10
Yellows: -100 / +5 / -50 / 0
Cyans: +100 / 0 / 0 /0
Blues: +100 / 0 / -25 / 0
Neutrals: +40 / 0 / -12 / -25
5. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels
Put in these settings:
Input Levels: 10 / 1,17 / 255
...That was ist you are done! Now try it and show me your results ^_^
1. Open your base. If your image is too dark than duplicate it and set to screen.
2. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue & Saturation
set Saturation to +20
3.Make a solid Layer fill it with #d5fdff and set it to colorburn 25%
4. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color
Put in these settings:
Reds: -100 / 0 / +100 / 0
Yellows: -50 / 0 / -100 / 0
Cyans: +100 / 0 / +100 /0
Blues: +100 / 0 / +100 / 0
Neutrals: +40 / +16 / +4 / -30
5. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color
Put in these settings:
Reds: -100 / 0 / +30 / +15
Yellows: 0 / -20 / 15/ 0
Cyans: +100 / 0 / +100 /0
Blues: +100 / 0 / +40 / 0
Neutrals: +20 / 0 / +10 / -5
Blacks: 0 / 0 / 0 / +5
...We are done! I'm looking forward to see your results ^_^