"Friends Only" Banner

Dec 24, 2007 08:29

We're going from this to this

Made in Adobe Photoshop 7.0 -- Not translatable, sorry.
Involves: Selective Color, Curves, Hue/Saturation

Use any image you want, and feel free to adjust/add/delete any steps in this tutorial to your liking.
Remember, the goal is to create something similar to mine rather than an exact copy. =)

Ok, I started with this:

Crop your image, sharpen, etc.

Now that your base is ready, onto the tutorial!

First, duplicate your base and set to screen, at 100% opacity.

Second, add a new Selective Color layer.
Reds: -100 +10 +10 +10
Yellows: -20 +10 -20 +10
Greens: +100 +50 +60 -30
Cyans: -40 +20 -40 -20
Whites: -50 -50 -50 -50
Neutrals: +5 +10 -5 -10
Blacks: +20 +5 +5 -10

Then, add a new Curves layer.
Input: 68
Output: 93

Now add a Color Balance layer (make sure "Preserve Luminosity" is checked!)
Midtones: +7 +2 +12
Shadows: +24 +3 -3
Highlights: +4 -7 -6

Then, add a Hue/Saturation layer.
Master: 0 +10 +5
Reds: 0 +10 -5
Yellows: 0 +20 0
Greens: 0 +20 0
Cyans: 0 +40 0
Blues: 0 +40 -40

Add this texture by Mayang's Free Textures; set the layer to soft light at 100% opacity. Erase the portion covering Katie's face and body.

Then add this texture (also by Mayang's Free Textures); set the layer to Multiply at 100% opacity.

(I took the Smudge tool and smudged the area over Katie's face and stomach so that the grainy texture covering her skin smoothed out and disappeared; this step is optional.)

Add a new Text layer ("Friends Only"). I used the Weltron Urban font in 18pt, in white, and set the layer to 45% opacity.

Then add another Text layer ("comment to be added"). I used the Violation font in 4.5pt, in white, and set the layer to 70% opacity.

And voila!

You're finished. =)
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